Do Vegetarians eat fish??????

Let's ask a few non-complex questions:

Q. - What do vegetarians eat?
A. = fruits, vegetables, nuts and milk products

Q. Is a fish then for vegetarian consumption?
A = NO a fish is not a vegetable, a fruit, or a milk bi-product


netting the message- vegetarians do not eat fish!

To the well informed this would seem an obvious piece of information. But, much to the frustration of Britain's three million plus vegetarians, there is a common misconception that fish is a perfectly acceptable option for veggies.
Fish are ANIMALS! And vegetarians do not eat animals. But they still get offered fish in restaurants, cafes, functions , and even in the homes of well-meaning friends and family. So, The Vegetarian Society has produced a graphic leaflet explaining why veggies DON'T EAT FISH. It illustrates the impact of the fishing industry on wildlife, the environment, and of course, the poor fish themselves.
Unfortunately there is a common misconception that vegetarians cannot obtain omega-3 fats in their diet because fish oils are usually cited as the primary source. In fact intake of omega-3 does not pose a problem for vegetarians or vegans at all, as it can be found in a number of plant oils.

Plant sources of Alpha-linolenic acid (Omega 3 family)
Oils made from linseed (flaxseed), walnuts, rapeseed (canola), soya bean and pumpkinseed.

See Milk

See  Eggs

Q. - Why do vegetarians consume milk and milk products?
A = Milk and its by products are given by mother cow, and the cow is not harmed, the milk is given freely being produced in much greater volume than the calf can consume, neither the cow nor her calf are harmed in anyway.

NOTE: unfortunately in today's world greedy business people are exploiting mother cow, artificially inseminating her with calf to keep her giving milk, for such a reason some conscientious vegetarians have become vegan (refraining from any animal product) so as not to exploit mother cow. They will however accept milk products from cows that are not being exploited and abused.

Q. - Are Eggs for vegetarian consumption?
A = Eggs are the remains of a chicken's menstrual cycle. Fertile Eggs become chickens, so eating fertile Eggs cannot be vegetarian. Eating infertile Eggs is eating the remains of the chicken's menstrual period. I'll leave you to decide if that is vegetarian or just plain disgusting.

How a Hen Lays an Egg

Inside the hen many things occur before an egg is laid. Let's see what happens in her body to make an egg. Inside the hen there is an ovary and an oviduct. The ovary is an organ which looks like a cluster of grapes. These clusters are follicles. Follicles are called egg yolks once the egg is laid by the hen. They are stored in the ovary until one day when they begin to grow. The follicles ovulate or burst from the ovary. Once ovulated, the follicle travels down a long tube called the oviduct.

The egg makes its journey to the outside world by moving through the oviduct. In the oviduct, the albumen or egg white is made. The albumen is formed over the follicle or egg yolk. That is why the yolk is always in the center of the egg. Also, two shell membranes and the shell are formed. When the hen lays an egg, the egg passes out the end of the oviduct. It leaves the hen's body. It takes from 24 to 26 hours for the egg to be laid. Even a good hen cannot lay more that one egg a day.


The candling process to see if an egg is live or dead (in an ostrich egg) .......same process..............

So what did come first the chicken or the egg?

It doesn't really matter - but one thing for sure NEITHER are for vegetarian consumption