Thank you for your support of our service

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or as previously agreed on.

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xe.com  Universal Currency Converter™


send a US$20.00 donation
(= NZ$25)

send a US$121.00 donation

send a US$151.00 donation
(NZ$184) £92 pounds or € 103 Euros

send a US$21.00 donation

send a US$25.00 donation

send a US$30.00 donation

send a US$208.00 donation
= € 142 Euros

send a £ 108.00 donation
= US$177 donation

send a US$45.00 (NZ$55 approx) donation
 £27 pounds or € 31 Euros - Rs. 2018 

send a US$250 donation

send a US$308.00 donation

send a US$55.00 donation

send a NZ$75.00 donation

send € 200 Euros donation
(= US$293 or £178 pounds, NZ$357.)

send a US$75.00 donation

send a US$408.00 donation
(= € 278 Euros)

send a US$89.00 donation (approx NZ$108)
£54 pounds or € 61 Euros - Rs. 3963

send a US$508.00 donation

send a US$108.00 donation
(NZ$131)  £66 pounds or € 74 Euros

send a US$1008.00 donation

If you need to send more please contact me by e-mail or please send in multiples of the above.

or within New Zealand Send by Internet bank transfer - contact us.

To let me know or further questions


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