Heike is a psychotherapist and adult educator, who uses a wide range of therapeutic and meditative modalities. Lately she has been influenced by the work of Bert Hellinger in Family constellations. She has studied directly with a number of Europe’s leading practitioners in constellation work.

What participants said:


“I found the family constellation work to be an extremely rewarding experience on an emotional and very subtle level. Heike works with great warmth and care in the delicate sphere of soul and heart.”


“I feel accomplished and grounded. It was wonderful to contribute to the love, gratitude and respect that all the world's family constellations deserve. Heike's work is a marvellous tool and I wish that all people in need gain access to it.”






Upcoming workshop:

October 4/5, 2008

Saturday & Sunday 9.30 am-5.30 pm

Devonport Community House

32 Clarence Street
North Shore City

(Morning and afternoon tea provided)


Cost: $ 200 waged

                 $ 120 concession



“Peace is experienced when all who belong to our system have a place in our heart.”

Bert Hellinger



 Leila Joffe

Phone 09 4461221/027 3685409



Heike McCahon

03 9813629/0272275960






  (as developed by Bert hellinger)


An experiential workshop

 Facilitated by


HEike McCahon

(M.ED, DIP Teachng, DIP Counselling, MNZAC)




v      Are you facing challenges in relationships, family, or profession?

v      Are you experiencing emotional disturbances, or facing life choices?

v      Do you suffer from an illness that doesn't heal?

v      Would you like to have a happier relationship with family and friends?

v      Are family issues thwarting your ability to thrive?

v      Do you want to know the preconditions of a fulfilling relationship?

v      Do you want to learn new methods to explore the root causes of those problems and help you out of them?


March 8/9 2008

Saturday & Sunday 9.30 am-5.30 pm

Devonport Community House

2 Clarence Street
North Shore City



An Overview

Bert Hellinger, a leading edge German

psychotherapist discovered & developed an experiential approach to healing individual and group entanglements, using Systemic Constellations.

Family systems have enormous power and strong bonds, which when hidden can severely impact our emotions and health. During a constellation a healing circle gets formed where each participant can set up his or her family "Constellation" by choosing other participants to stand as representatives for their family members. These constellations give astonishing insight into these bonds, and can release long standing difficulties.

Family constellations deal with these questions to find solutions to systems so that order can be created. During a constellation people’s entanglements come to light and resolutions for the family and individuals appear to make relationships more peaceful and harmonious.

The Family Constellation approach originated in Europe in the 1980's and is gradually gaining recognition and acceptance all over the world. Ina Family Constellation circle, one person presents an urgent personal issue, such as”I can’t control my anger,” or “My marriage is falling apart.” With the help of a facilitator and the group, the” seeker” sets up representatives, similar to psychodrama. Unlike psychodrama, once the representatives are placed, they do not pose, act or role-play. At first they stand silent and still. This allows them to tune in to feelings and physical sensations that mirror consonance and dissonance that relate to the issue. By observing this simple “constellation” of figures, the seeker perceives a hidden pattern.


In many cases, this pattern is an echo of transgenerational trauma that draws the seeker to unconsciously repeat or atone for events from the past. In this view, “my anger” or “my broken marriage” lives within a larger field. As the image emerges, the representatives are allowed to speak minimally and move slowly. The aim is to generate a powerful release of the issue. Many seekers report that in the months that follow, the issue gets better or even resolves entirely.

Most issues lead back to the family of origin. For those of us who recall unhappy childhoods, being the daughter or son of our mother and father carries a heavy measure of sorrow. Not that this is the whole story; our feelings for our parents are multi-layered and complex.

As an example, one pattern that appears with some frequency is the seeker has a parent whose resources and capacities were diminished, even crushed, by the legacy of being their parents’ child. These stories have nearly infinite variety, but contain common themes of traumatic events, tragic deaths, and incomplete movements towards healing.

When we accept our life as given to us, by two imperfect beings, without accusation or blaming, we can also take in the love and vitality that is our birthright. Each conception was a “yes” to life, and deep down, it does not matter how our parents behaved then or now. What is most important is that we connect to them in a way that allows the love that flows from far back to reach us.


"Being in harmony means agreeing to the world as it is." Bert Hellinger


Booking Form

Name: ___________________

Address: _________________


Phone: __________________

Email: ___________________

Cheques to:

Geotech Consulting Vastu

29 Norwood St, CHCH 2

Direct deposit:

031598 0071077 00 (please identify direct deposit using your last name) Westpac St Martins, Christchurch.

A non-refundable deposit of $50 is required one week prior to the workshop to secure all bookings. The balance must be paid in full on the day of the workshop.For more information

