Newsletter Number #150  ( Rama-navami - April issue 2005 A.D. Gaurabda 518)

ki jaya


Please Accept My Respectful Obeisances & Best Wishes To All


All Glories To Srila Prabhupad.

/ \ All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.

Welcome to the latest re-vamped edition of the on-line HKSRNewsletter, and our humble attempt to render some service to the devotee community. As you can see we've changed the format, and everything is here hyper-linked on-line, we hope it's now easier for you all. This newsletter now goes out to way over 2108 receivers. We trust that all is well with everyone by the Mercy of the Lord. However, if anyone would like to be removed please just send us a message requesting me to do so, and we will do it promptly. If you are receiving this from a friend, and would like to be added directly to the mailout please also let us know and we will do the needful there too. Removal and Subscription details at the very end of this newsletter.

Hare Krishna. =>B-) JTCd

The Nectar in this Issue 

From time to time articles and shlokas (verses) included in this newsletter may require the Balaram font in order to view them nicely. If you don't have the Balaram font installed on your system you can download it for free from our fonts page.

IN THIS ISSUE: (click on the hyper-linked underlined below to jump there...)
WWW - news and views: Calendar Updates & Events - Festivals, Feasts, Fasts & Functions:

See the events on Interactive Calendar site for details:

Vaishnava Calendar for 2005-2006????
(some selected locations are available already below)

The present year's calendar:

Download the Vaishnava Calendar software VCAL 4.01

Local temples

Words of Wisdom - Shastra & Shastrakaras speak:
... (Srila Prabhupad & the previous Acharyas)
... Coming Festivals
... Local temples
... Verses from Shastra
... Hare Krishna Maha Mantra
... Hare Krishna as ancient religion - NOT a cult
... Vaishnava Songs
... Samskaras and Agama Tantra
... Articles
... Topical links - etc
... Vedik revival - Vedik World Heritage

Advertisements - what's on where: check them out...
... Cyber Community Notice Board
...lastest important news items !!!!

... Hare Krishna School in Auckland
... Ayurvedic health - and seminars - Radiance Ayurved has new site
... Fire Safety - Water Safety - Internet Safety
... Singles - Hare Krishna Singles - Vegetarian Singles - Marriage Compatibility checking
... FREE CD Rom
... Sri Shalagram Tirtha Pradarshini web-site and new newsletter
... Vegetarianism and Beyond site gets re-vamped
... Gaura Yoga - Wellington
... The Loft Auckland
... The new Auckland Temple now open

... Boxing Day Asian Tsunami Disaster Food (prasadam) Relief Appeal

... and much more

At Grass Roots: Topical stuff
... Seasonal Greetings...Happy 2005
... Have a Happy Year - Gaurabda 518

Prasadam Recipes: To slake the thirst of body, mind & soul
... some really useful Vege links and support
... inspiring Vegetarian articles
... Eggless cooking - baking - cakes
... Vegetarian Cheeses - new page (try the Tuxford range...)(updated August 2004)
... Vegetarian clubs
... Hare Krishna Food For Life - local and international food relief
... check out the new Ekadasi recipes link
... 101 reasons to be a vegetarian
... Meat substitutes - Tofu - Soy - TVP - tempe recipes
... White Sugar free from bone char in NZ
... FREE Meet your Meat CDRoms
... How to offer your food to God
... You mean that's in the Bible?
... visit our Vegetarianism and Beyond Award winning web-site
... Kurma's new web-site
... The Meatrix
... Holiday Season & Xmas survival recipes

Krishna conscious - Vedikly acceptable jokes:
... cut loose have a laugh
... serious therapy in humour !!!
... did U ever wonder -  Ways of the world - Strange but true

Thanx 2 our sponsors and supporters:
... sponsorship and support
... add or remove - sub or unsub
... HELP !!!
... donations welcome

On the WWW News, Events and Views

New Zealand Hare Krishna
Spiritual Resource Network
Check Out Our Main-index page
Easier to Navigate - Faster Loading
Lots of NEW links ....HEAPS !!! New Format & Layout ...have a surf !
NZ Hare Krishna Spiritual Resource Network Main Index:

Archana, Articles, Astrology, Audo files, Books, Calendars, Community, Downloads, E-cards, Education, Family, Food For Life, Harenama, Health, InterFaith, Iskcon, Jesus, Krishna, Karma, Lofts, Maori, Marketplace of the Holy name, Marriage Compatibility, Meditation, New Zealand centres, Prasadam, Questions and Answers, 4 Regulative Principles,, Self Help, seX-files, Srila Prabhupada, Temples world-wide, Varnashram Dharm, Vedik Culture, Vegetarianism & Beyond, Weather, X-poses, Yoga, Youth Forums, Zips.......and much much more !!!!!

So much more to be found there too... HEAPS of New sites/links
last updated on 18th January 2005

Simply the Cheapest & Best

The Interactive Vaishnava Calendar page of Fasts, Festivals, Functions and Feasts. ( )

Now you can view the FULL years 1999-2000 & 2000-2001 & 2001-2002 & 2002-2003 & 2003-2004 & 2004-2005.
All Calendar entries are explained - Appearance or Disappearance
days, festivals, fasts, feasts, etc.

View previous years festival dates on the Calendar:
Vaishnava Calendar for 2005-2006????
(some selected locations are available already below)

The present year's calendar:

Sri Ramacandra Kaviraja - Disappearance  - Tirubhav

Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami - Appearance  - Avirbhav

Sri Jayadeva Goswami - Disappearance  - Tirubhav

Sri Locana Das Thakur - Disappearance  - Tirubhav

Fasting for Sat-tila Ekadasi - (Fasting from Beans and Grains - 5th February 2005  in NZ)

Sri Ganga Sagara Mela

Sri Vasanta Pancami

Srimati Visnupriya Devi - Appearance  - Avirbhav

Srimati Sarasvati Puja

Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur - Disappearance  - Tirubhav

Sri Pundarika Vidyanidhi - Appearance  - Avirbhav

Sri Raghunandana Thakur - Appearance  - Avirbhav

Sri Raghunatha Das Goswami - Appearance  - Avirbhav

Kumbha Sankranti (Sun enters Aquarius)

Sri Advaita Acarya - Appearance  - Avirbhav (Fasting till noon)

Sri Bhismastami

Sripad Madhvacarya - Disappearance  - Tirubhav

Sripad Ramanujacarya - Disappearance  - Tirubhav

Fasting for Bhaimi Ekadasi - (Fasting from Beans and Grains - 20th February 2005  in NZ)

Sri Varaha Dvadasi - Appearance of Lord Varaha deva
(The fast is observed till noon on the Ekadasi)(Feasting is done today.)

Sri Nityananda Trayodasi - Appearance of Nityananda Prabhu (Fasting till noon - 22nd Feb in NZ)

Sri Krsna Madhura utsava

Srila Narottama Das Thakur - Appearance  - Avirbhav

Sri Purusottama Das Thakur - Disappearance  - Tirubhav

Srila Gour Govinda Swami -- Disappearance  - Tirubhav

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Prabhupad - Appearance  - Avirbhav (Fasting till noon)

Fasting for Vijaya Ekadasi- (Fasting from Beans and Grains - 7th March 2005  in NZ)

Sripad Isvara Puri - Disappearance  - Tirubhav

Sri Shiva Ratri - Appearance Day of Lord Shiva

Srila Jagannatha Das Babaji - Disappearance  - Tirubhav

Sri Rasikananda - Disappearance  - Tirubhav

Sri Purusottama Das Thakur - Appearance  - Avirbhav

Mina Sankranti (Sun enters Pisces)

Fasting for Amalaki vrata Ekadasi - (Fasting from Beans and Grains - 21st March 2005  in NZ)

Sripad Madhavendra Puri - Disappearance  - Tirubhav


Sri Krishna Chaitanya (Gauranga) Mahaprabhu - Appearance - ( 26th March 2005 in NZ )
Gaura Purnima - (Fasting Ekadasi style untill moonrise)

Jatakarma Festival of Srila Jagannatha Misra for Birth of Baby Lord Chaitanya

Sri Srivas Pandit - Appearance  - Avirbhav

Fasting for Fasting for Papamocani Ekadasi - (Fasting from Beans and Grains - 5th April 2005  in NZ)

Sri Govinda Ghosa - Disappearance  - Tirubhav

9th April 2005 - Amavasya - Hybrid Solar Eclipse (do not cook, eat, etc. Only Chant Hare Krishna) see eclipses-page

Sripad Ramanujacarya - Appearance

Mesa Sankranti (Sun enters Aries)

Beginning of Shalagram and Tulsi Jala Dan

Sri Rama Navami: Appearance of  Lord Ramacandra (Fasting till sunset) (18th April 2005 in NZ)

Fasting for Fasting for Kamada Ekadasi- (Fasting from Beans and Grains - 20th April 2005  in NZ)

Damanaka-ropana dvadasi

Sri Balarama Rasayatra

Sri Krsna Vasanta Rasa

Sri Vamsivadana Thakur - Appearance  - Avirbhav

Sri Syamananda Prabhu - Appearance  - Avirbhav

24th April 2005 - Purnima - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (do not cook, eat, etc. Only Chant Hare Krishna) see eclipses-page

Sri Abhiram Thakur - Disappearance  - Tirubhav

1st Sunday in May = 1st May 2005 - Mother's Day (NZ, Aus, USA, UK)

Srila Vrindavana Das Thakur - Disappearance  - Tirubhav

Fasting for Fasting for Varuthini Ekadasi- (Fasting from Beans and Grains - 4th May 2005  in NZ)

This year's also now available for viewing:

All Calender information HERE

Check out the Ekadasi pages with links to every Ekadasi:
(also find out from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada what is, and what constitutes a mahadwadasi)
Find out about Dwadasi and Mahadwadasi here:


kasmad ekadasi jata tasyah ko va vidhir dvija
kada va kriyate kim va phalam kim va vadasva me

ka va pujyatama tatra devata sad-gunarnava
akurvatah syat ko dosa etan me vaktum arhasi

"Oh Gurudeva! When did Ekadasi take birth and from whom did she appear? What are the rules of fasting on the Ekadasi? Please describe the benefits of following this vow and when it should be followed. Who is the utmost worshippable presiding deity of Sri Ekadasi? What are the faults in not following Ekadasi properly? Please bestow your mercy upon me and tell about these subjects, as you are the only personality able to do so."

Find out what was said HERE:

Download yourVaishnava Calendar and make a hard copy for this
last year's ( 2003-2004 AD - 517 Gaurabda ) from our site:

This present year ( 2004-2005 AD - 518 Gaurabda ) from our site:

Vaishnava Calendar for 2005-2006????

Vaishnava Calendar Program Vcal 4.01 FREE Download, and make your own Calendar for 2004-2005:

or if you can't do that and you'd like a 2004-2005 Calendar for your longitude, latitude and time zone ANYWHERE in the world I can do that for you and e-mail it to you - FREE    Vaishnava Calendar Software 4.01

no more dodgy calendars/panchangas/panjikas from India

...some already made for you

Vaishnava Calendar maker for your region - on-line:

Astrologically/Astronomically Accurate and FREE

Please download the software from:

How to use the VCAL calendar program:

Vaishnava Calendar maker for your region - on-line:

Free Vaisnava Calendar Email Reminder Service
Website URL:

New service just launched - a Free Vaisnava Calendar Email Reminder Service (BETA) where devotees can sign up and receive automated location sensitive reminders of ekadasi's, festivals, appearance and disappearance days via email.

Festivals on the Vrindavan Calendar

Time Zones and Countries World-wide:

Here's a few Vaishnava Calendar locations around the World friends asked for us to post !!


Adelaide - Australia Hamilton  - New Zealand Melbourne  - Australia
Atlanta GA  - USA Hawera - New Zealand Monte Video - Uruguay
Auckland  - New Zealand Hong Kong  - China Moscow - CIS - Russia
Bangalore - India Jakarta - Indonesia Munich (Munchen)  - Germany
Bangkok - Thailand Johannesburg - RSA Muscat - Oman
Boston - MA - USA Katikati  - New Zealand New York - NYC - USA
Brisbane  - Australia Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia Perth  - Australia
Calcutta - Kolkata - India Kuwait City  - Al kuwait - Kuwait Singapore
Caracas - Venezuala London  - UK Suva - Fiji
Carterton - New Zealand Los Angeles - CA - USA Sydney - Australia
Christchurch  - New Zealand Madras (Chennai) India Toronto - Canada
(New) Delhi - Delhi - UP - India Malawi - Africa Trinidad
Dubai  - UAE Manchester - UK Vrindavan - UP - India
Durban - RSA Mauritus Wellington - New Zealand
Glasgow  - Scotland Mayapura - W.Bengal - India Whakatane - New Zealand
...just a few places where our readers are located.


Do you get the Hare Krishna Newsletter from Auckland?
If not send a message to Mother Madri to add yourself to their list:

See Auckland's latest newsletter HERE:

Christchurch Temple Times:

Wellington Temple Newsletter:

Gaura Yoga Centre (Wellington) newsletter:

...and across the ditch in Aus': 
Brisbane temple newsletter
to subscribe -

Melbourne Temple F.O.L.K. News Daily Newsletter/diatrobe:

Sydney Temple Newsletter:

Other Journals, Newsletters, & KC Blogs:
Aisvarya prabhu's blog:

Aniruddha's blog:

Bala Gopala's Mrdanga (formerly Ekendra's Mrdanga)
This is my new journal where I hope to contribute something worth reading to the world. The inspiration for this comes from Nectar of Devotion wherein it is stated that to reveal one's mind in confidence is one of the loving exchanges between Vaisnavas. Ekendra dasa.

The Conch newsletter - Radha Giridhari temple Auckland
The Conch Newsletter is a subscription newsletter that is sent out in Word format either as a printable attached file through e-mail, or hard-copy by snail mail. The newsletter is monthly, and compiled by Amrita-pani devi dasi in conjunction with the editorial advisor HH Mukunda Goswami.

From the virtual pen of Sita-pati dasa
News and views from Sita-pati dasa in Brisbane Australia.

The International Society for Education in Krsna Consciousness has a Blog called Vaishnava Sanga which one can access from the ISEKC home page.

News stories, articles, comment, insights, features, and Vaisnava perspectives available on-line from

Vraj journal

Join Now 4 FREE

Dear friends,

Hare Krishna.  ISKCON Food for Life is working to give assistance to those
who are suffering from this immense disaster.

Please read more on the FFL website,

We pray that the Lord will comfort those who are in need or who have lost loved ones.

I am sure you  are all aware of the recent earthquake off the coast of Indonesia and the subsequent Tsunami waves that have devastated Sri Lanka, India and Africa, and have taken the lives of more than 125,000 people.  The death rate is rising by the hour, and Food for Life is responding to this disaster with all the resources we have available in several countries involved.
We will bring you more information on our efforts soon.

If you would like to help our relief efforts donations may be given through the web, or the Auckland temple office can forward on your behalf, or see Iskcon Sri Lankan appeal below.

Your servant in Lord Krishna's service,

Thank you for your friendship, from FFL Global Director, Priyavrata das


click here to enter the FFL newsletter site

ISKCON Sri Lanka is providing cooked prasadam (food) for the tsunami victims. The victims are desperate. They have no facility to cook food. They have no place, they have no utensils and it is a necessity for us to provide them with cooked prasadam (food).

Mahakarta Dasa (Prabhupada's disciple) is the temple president of ISKCON Sri Lanka, and he is the coordinator of this Food for life relief program for the tsunami victims.
    The program started from 31st December 2004. The Temple President has gone to Trincomalee (worst affected area) this morning to directly supervise the program with some congregational devotees where prasadam will be cooked and distributed to the victims, beginning from 5000 plates per day and increasing rapidly to 20,000. We are starting from Trincomalee and it is the worst affected area in Sri Lanka.

The rate of prasadam distribution is now more than 30,000 per day, providing cooked meals and fresh drinking water as well as some medical aide  See other articles in this issue.

This food for life program will continue for a long period and the program will expand to the other affected areas in the country and for this your help is very much needed.

Sri Lanka was among the worst affected by the recent earthquake in Sumatra (Indonesia) and the subsequent tidal wave which has affected many countries in this region. The tide was 40ft high. In the recent news this morning, the death rate has increased to more than 25000 and many thousands are still missing. Over a million are refugees. The refugees have taken shelter in hospitals, schools and temples. Hospitals have been washed out along with the patients and doctors. To continue this, we need assistance and we have to also go to different affected areas. Another rising problem is the thousands of orphans.

His Holiness Indradyumna swami and over 45 other Iskcon devotees are now in the area feeding over 30,000 prasadam meals a day and helping to heal the disrupted lives of the orphans.

So the food for life project by ISKCON (Sri Lanka) should provide a minimum of at least ten thousand plate per day or it will be insufficient for the victims.

How to donate

100% of the donations will be given to the tsunami victims. We will also supply medical items, sleeping mats, bed sheets etc as we receive.

We need assistance from you also for this humanitarian service. Please donate generously for this cause and inform your friends to donate for this purpose. Contact us for further information.

Mahakarta Dasa (Prabhupada's disciple) is the temple president of ISKCON Sri Lanka, and he is the coordinator of this relief program for the tsunami victims in Sri Lanka.

We are the only authorized ISKCON center in Sri Lanka :

Address:  Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple (ISKCON Sri Lanka)
               188, new chetty street,
               Colombo 13
               Sri Lanka

phone: (00941) 2433325
fax: (00941) 2471099

GBC: H.H.Jayapataka Swami
Co GBC: H.H.Bhanu Swami

Your donations could be sent by draft/cheque/ money order on behalf of the ISKCON account mentioned below to the ISKCON Sri Lanka address:

ISKCON Sri Lanka, 188, New chetty street, Colombo 13, Sri Lanka

Bank account name: ISKCON
Account no: 1050669901
Bank name and address: Commercial bank company Ltd
Kotahena branch
Colombo 13
Sri Lanka


If you deposit the cheques or drafts in any bank of your country (eg. western union) it will be transferred to the bank here.


If you wish to send the money through your credit card, you could also do that the same precedure via the bank in your country directing it to the ISKCON account here in sri lanka.

But you should mention the bank and the branch name and address where the money is to be transferred.

Please contact us via email for further information.

Thanking you
Your humble servant
Nandarani dd
ISKCON Sri Lanka

Festivals Coming Soon

Sri Rama Navami - Appearance Day of Lord Rama

Monday 18th April  2005 (in NZ)
Fasting till sunset

Disappearance Day of Jayananda dasa Adhikari

Sri Nrsimha Chaturdasi - Appearance Day of Lord Narasimhadev

See you local temple to find out what's going on in your area and how to be part of it......

Visit Your Local Hare Krishna Temple
See a full NZ list of contacts HERE under Communities:

See the Kiwi yatra HERE:

Australian yatra here:

International here:

Iskcon World-wide @ a centre near you:

Words of Wisdom - Shastra & Shastrakaras speak

For Books and shastra downloads see Main Index, under Books:
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

The Complete Works of Srila Prabhupada
All the books, the letters and conversations at your fingertips

Requirements: DOS or Windows, 173 MB free disk space, 286 PC or better.

Srila Prabhupada's Audio lectures to listen to on-line:

Listen to Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on-line - all 900 of his lectures are available HERE:

Srimad Bhagavatam - the entire lecture series listen and read along on-line - Narrated by Amala Bhakta dasa:

All Srila Prabhupada's books and more on one disk

Visit "Prabhupada Connect" for all manner of Prabhupad Nectar:

Download all the Hare Krsna teachings which includes all Vaisnava and
Vedic concepts by visiting one of the sites listed at the following address.

33 Books Online Including Srimad Bhagavatam!

Download or Listen to Prabhupad Bhajans HERE:

On-line 1972 McMillan edition - Bhagavad Gita As It Is:

Bhagavad Gita AS IT IS on-line through the Tirupathi Balaji site:

Bhagavad Gita Study guide on-line book:

Bhagavad Gita Study guides by numerous Iskcon devotees - FREE downloads:

All the Scriptures you'd ever need 4 FREE

last updated 4th August 2003


Srimad Bhagavad Gita AS IT IS

Bhagavad Gita:  Chapter 2 - Contents of the Gita Summarized

                                 TEXT 64

                         raga-dvesa-vimuktais tu
                         visayan indriyais caran
                         atma-vasyair vidheyatma
                          prasadam adhigacchati

                             WORD FOR WORD
   raga--attachment; dvesa--and detachment; vimuktaih--by one who has become free from; tu--but; visayan--sense objects; indriyaih--by the senses; caran--acting upon; atma-vasyaih--under one's control; vidheya-atma--one who follows regulated freedom; prasadam--the mercy of the Lord; adhigacchati--attains.


   But a person free from all attachment and aversion and able to control his senses through regulative principles of freedom can obtain the complete mercy of the Lord.

PURPORT by HDG Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:

   It is already explained that one may externally control the senses by some artificial process, but unless the senses are engaged in the transcendental service of the Lord, there is every chance of a fall. Although the person in full Krsna consciousness may apparently be on the sensual plane, because of his being Krsna conscious he has no attachment to sensual activities. The Krsna conscious person is concerned only with the satisfaction of Krsna, and nothing else. Therefore he is transcendental to all attachment and detachment. If Krsna wants, the devotee can do anything which is ordinarily undesirable; and if Krsna does not want, he shall not do that which he would have ordinarily done for his own satisfaction. Therefore to act or not to act is within his control because he acts only under the direction of Krsna. This consciousness is the causeless mercy of the Lord, which the devotee can achieve in spite of his being attached to the sensual platform.

 - His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with permission.

 - His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Bhagavad Gita As It Is -

View our Bhagavad Gita Overview:

Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with permission.

Home Page:

Join Bhagavad Gita eGroups HERE

Prabhupada Uvacha:
(here's some nectar, sometimes it comes in the form of Srutakirti prabhu's diary, other times from Govinda dasi's diary, or sometimes from a letter, but still nectar...)

June 21

The following discussion took place between Srila Prabhupada and Satadhanya:
"How they say God does not exist? If they think God does not exist, then they can do as they like. But they cannot do anything they like; they are restricted in so many ways. So how they say God has no existence?"
"They say we have faith, but they don't have such faith."
"Faith or no faith, if a thief has faith in government or not, still he is beat with your shoes. Faith or no faith, you must abide by government's laws. So how they can say God does not exist?"
"They say we cannot see God."
"But they are controlled. If they say nature controls, not God. Nature, God, whatever you call it, they are controlled."
"Some scientists may concede God may exist."
"No question of may. He does!"
"They then say, 'All right, He is impersonal.'"
"How do they know? Everything they say is material; how can they say anything about spirit? So how they can say God doesn't exist?"
"Prabhupada, we cannot defeat you."
"How can you defeat me? I am sane and you are mad."
In this way, Srila Prabhupada challenged Satadhanya Maharaja: "How they can say God doesn't exist?"
Srila Prabhupada was appreciating the book distribution efforts of Ghanasyama in Yugoslavia. "My books are the real Communism. I am writing for the whole human society. My philosophy is to unite human society on the basis of Krsna consciousness. And that is actually happening. Why black man is working for me and white man also? How much potency he [Ghanasyama] has. Practically, he is preaching in the jungle; the people do not know the language and still persons gave standing orders. I never expected standing orders from the Communists. Now I can understand they have lost all sense, but still there is hope-Krsna consciousness."
"Srila Prabhupada, the whole world is expressing their indebtedness to you," I said.
"They must!" he replied. "I am giving real civilization. If they don't, they are ungrateful. There is no future hope for Western civilization. Hari-sauri's grandmother advised his mother to kill him. There is no culture, no God, no religion, no behavior; for women, no husband, no father, no son. From childhood to end of life, alone. And they declare independence! A woman alone is a prostitute. One of my Godbrothers' wife was an adulterer. When her son found her out, he said he would tell his father. So the mother poisoned him. And when the father found out his son was poisoned by his mother, he committed suicide. The only hope of Western civilization is to chant Hare Krsna. Otherwise, they are finished!"

- From the TKG's Diary by HH Tamal Krishna Goswami

To receive little snippets of nectar like this on a daily basis subscribe HERE: or If you want to introduce anyone else in reading Srila Prabhupada Nectars, please send their eMail addresses to

Please Chant:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

...................and be Happy

Listen to Srila Prabhupad on-line
....a different lecture, morning walk, conversation or class daily.

"Feeling Krishna's Presence"
Room Conversation With Three College Students -- July 11, 1973, London

Listen to the entire lecture on-line:

Student (1): Is that what you're trying to do in your movement?
Prabhupada: No, my movement... I am talking of yoga syst... What is my movement, that we shall discuss later on. First of all the question was the yoga. You asked me that. Yoga means to control the mind and the senses. So if one is not able to control the mind and senses, he does not know what is the meaning of yoga. That... You read Bhagavad-gita? Bring Bhagavad-gita.
Revatinandana: Do you understand the necessity of controlling the mind and the senses? Can you see why it is necessary?
Student (1): Yes. Sort of. Not to the full extent I don't see how it's necessary to a full extent, because I can't control the mind and senses.
Prabhupada: Hm. Call Pradyumna.
Student (1): Because I can't completely control my mind and senses.
Revatinandana: The thing that is covered when we are always acting on the sensual platform, agitated in the mind, is we do not experience our self, our eternal self, which doesn't change. We become locked on the temporary platform.
Student (1): In normal life, you mean? Most people, you're talking about.
Revatinandana: Yes. Because all of our attention is lodged in the mind and the senses, and we are lost to ourselves, so any kind of self-realization process means that you have to control the mind and senses or you cannot be self-situated. Beyond being situated in the self, there may be more, but that's the first point. That's the basic point of yoga.
Student (2): Where does Krsna fit into it? Where does Krsna fit into the yoga?
Revatinandana: He wants to know... If being self-situated is one thing, then where does Krsna enter into the system? That's his question.
Prabhupada: Self-situated. When you are self-situated... Just like in the water you are taking bath in a pool. Something has fallen on the water. Suppose your key has fallen. Now you'll have to find out. You are just trying to settle up the water and see where is the key. So when your mind and senses are controlled, then you can talk of Krsna. Before that you cannot talk. Because Krsna is missing, with uncontrolled mind, senses, you cannot capture Krsna. That is not possible. The same example. When the water is agitated, you cannot see where your things have fallen. You have to wait to make the water calm and quiet. Then you'll see, "Here is my key."
Student (2): What are the ways in which... How can we get to Krsna? How do you get to Krsna.
Prabhupada: You come here. Take this. Sixth chapter, the practice of yoga. The process.
Pradyumna: Should I read from the beginning?
Prabhupada: Hmm. You read. Read.
Pradyumna: "To practice yoga..."

sucau dese pratisthapya
sthiram asanam atmanah
naty-ucchritam natinicam

tatraikagram manah krtva
upavisyasane yunjyad
yogam atma-visuddhaye

"To practice yoga, one should go to a secluded place."
Prabhupada: Now, first of all you have to find out secluded place. Yoga practice is not possible in a hotel or in a public place. It is not possible. You have to find out a secluded place. First condition. Then?
Pradyumna: "...and should lay kusa grass on the ground and then cover it with a deerskin and a soft cloth."
Prabhupada: Then there is process of making the asana, deerskin, kusasana, then cloth. You have to sit down in that asana. Asana, dhyana, dharana, pran... Then?
Pradyumna: "The seat should neither be too high nor too low."
Prabhupada: Yes, everything is there. "It should not be too high nor too low." Then?
Pradyumna: "And should be situated in a sacred place."
Prabhupada: A sacred place. Just like formerly those who were practicing yoga, they were going to Gangotri where the Ganges is coming down, in the Himalaya, in the Haridwar, in a secluded, sacred place. These are the condition, first condition. So where you are getting these conditions fulfilled? You cannot practice yoga in a hotel or in a club. That is not possible.
Student (2): How do you decide whether a place is sacred or not?
Prabhupada: Sacred place, generally we take as a lonely place, solitary place. If it is not solitary, it is not sacred.
Student (2): Is sacred the same as solitary?
Prabhupada: Yes, they used to sit down in the Himalaya where the Ganges is coming. That is a sacred place. If you go simply on the Ganges side on the bank of the Ganges, Yamuna, you will find immediately purified your mind, immediately. Or on a seaside where there is nobody disturbing. These are sacred places. Then?
Pradyumna: "The yogi should then sit on it very firmly."
Prabhupada: Then yogi has to sit down very firmly like this. Yes, straight, perpendicularly. Then?
Pradyumna: "And should practice yoga by controlling the mind and the senses."
Prabhupada: Then he has to practice meditation for controlling the mind and the senses. First of all asana place, sacred place, now, asana, secluded place, alone. That is stated. These are the yogic process.
Student (3): What do you mean by control your mind, I mean, control your senses? If your senses are controlled, can you see anything you wish or hear anything you wish? Or taste anything you wish?
Prabhupada: Just explain what is control, mind and senses.
Revatinandana: Well, controlling, being in control of your mind and senses, means that whatever destination you fix up with your intelligence -- you understand, you want a particular result -- then if you are in control of your mind and senses, then it means that it won't disturb you.
Prabhupada: First of all... First of all thing is the, what is the aim of practicing yoga? So to achieve that end, that purpose, you have to control the mind because mind is very flickering, going here, there, there, there. So first of all you must know what is the purpose of practicing yoga, why you should practice yoga. So in order to achieve that goal, you have to concentrate your mind, and therefore you have to control the mind going here and there. That is control. Mind business is acceptance and rejecting. This is mind's business. Immediately I accept, "It is very good;" again, next moment, "No, no it is not good. Reject it." This is called flickering mind. So by yoga practice you have to make your mind in such a way that whatever you decide, that is correct, not the state of rejecting and accepting. So first of all, you have to know why you are practicing yoga. As you asked the question, "Why control of mind?" Then the next question will be "Why you are practicing? What is your aim?" You are going to practice yoga. Why? What is the aim?
Student (1): Is it to realize God?
Prabhupada: That's nice. Therefore you must have to concentrate upon God; therefore you have to control your mind. You have to withdraw your mind from any other engagement, only concentrate on God. Then the... What is God?
Student (1): That's what I'm trying to find out.


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Mango is so nice, either ripened or unripened, it

is always good. And that goodness may be tasted

by different types of men. But mango is always

good. Mango is mango, "King of all fruits." So

devotional service is king of all processes of God

realization. That is its position always, either

ripened or unripe.

Gorakhpur, February 10, 1971

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Quotes from Shastra - scriptures

pashyataam nrisahasraanaam
bahunaam raghunandanah
aaropayat sa dharmaatmaa
salilamiva taddhanuh

aaropayitvaa maurvim cha
purayaamaasa viryavaan
tad babhanja dhanur madhye
nareshreshtho mahaayashah

"The virtuous descendent of the Raghu dynasty (Sri Raam) easily lifted high the bow in
the assembly as thousands of suitors looked on. Having raised it, that mighty Raam did
what non-else could do, in stringing it taunt, moreover snapping the bow in two."

Valmiki Ramayan 1:66:16-17.

vitarasi diksu rane dikpatikamaniyam
dasa mukha mauli balim ramaniyam
keshava dhrta rama sarira jaya jagadisa hare

 O Keshava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who haze assumed the form of Ramacandra! All glories to You! In the battle of Lanka You destroy the tenheaded demon Ravana and distribute his heads as a delightful offering to the presiding deities of the ten directions, headed by Indira. This action was long desired by all of them, who were much harassed by this monster.

Jayadev Goswami Dasavatara Stotram verse 7.

Sri Rama Navami and Ramayana links:

Sri Rama Navami the appearance day of Lord Rama:

The Ramayana - A brilliant picture book of the epic the Ramayana:

The Ramayan in RealAudio Story form - by Amala Bhakta dasa:

The Stories From the Ramayana:

Valmiki Ramayan Amar Chitra-katha Comic on-line:

Valmiki Ramayana with Sanskrit verses and English trans:

Bala kanda of the Valmiki Ramayana - sanskrit verses and English trans:

Ramayana - A Picture Gallery:

Sri Nama Ramayana Index:

Srimad Ramayana - Karnamrita dasa ACBSP:

Valmiki Rishi's Ramayana part 1a - Radio Story Format:

The Valmiki Ramayana Audio Cassettes:

Ramayana page - links to Adhyatma Ramayana - Tulasidas Ramayana - Yogavasistha:

sarvathaa kriyatam yatnah
sita amadhigamishyatha
pakshalaabho mamaayam vah

"(Sampathi predicted) 'spare no efforts, you will surely find Sita. The fact that I have regained my wings portends success in your enterprise'." (Valmiki Ramayana 4:62:12.)

uttishtha harishaardula
langhayasva mahaarnavam
paraa hi sarvabhutanaanam
hanuman yaa gatistava

"(Jambavan nominated Hanuman) 'Rise, O best of the monkey warriors! Leap across the mighty waters, for you ability, O Hanuman, goes far beyond that of all other beings'."  (Valmiki Ramayana 4:65:34.)

yathaa raaghavanirmuktah
sharah shvasanavikramah
gacchet tadvad gamishyaami
lankaam raavanapaalitaam

"(Sri Hanuman vowed) 'Just as a shaft dischareged from Sri Rama's bow travels swift as the wind, so shall I as a descendent of Vahudeva, race to Lanka, that land lorded over by the demon king Ravan'."  (Valmiki Ramayana 5:1:36.)

Take a mini-pilgrimage to Mathura and Vrindavan on-line - you will not be disappointed:

The wonders of Vraja Mandala Parikrama

Pictures of Prabhupad in Australia and Indonesia:

taken by Amogha prabhu ACBSP

Prabhupad photo gallery - US:
compiled by Srinandanandana prabhu ACBSP

Prabhupad in Vrindavan picture Gallery

Krishna Balaram temple in Vrindavan

Krishna Balaram mandir Festival Photo galleries

Mayapur Vrindavan Trust - Vrindavan

Mayapur Chandradoya mandir - Festival etc 2005

European Krishna conscious festivals - photo galleries:

Foto galleries of Latino America with Rasananda Swami

Picture galleries from India - totally wonderful

Krishna conscious instructive dramas - plays:

"IN EVERY TOWN AND VILLAGE the chanting of the Holy Name of Krishna shall be heard. This was the forecast made by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu almost 500 years ago in India. Today, as the Hare Krishna Mantra -- Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare -- resounds in Bombay and New York, Nairobi and Sydney, and in Paris and Hong Kong, the prophecy of Lord Caitanya stands fulfilled. The universal import of this "Samkirtan Movement" (the congregational chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord) was expressed by Lord Caitanya as follows:

"Glory to the Sri Krishna Samkirtan which cleanses the heart of all the dust accumulated for years together. Thus the fire of conditional life, of repeated birth and death, is extinguished. The Samkirtan Movement is the prime benediction for humanity at large because it spreads the rays of the benediction Moon. It is the life of all transcendental knowledge, it increases the ocean of transcendental bliss, and it helps us to have a taste of the full nectar for which we are always anxious."

(Every Town & Village, album cover)

On-line Virtual Arati to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai - check it out

What's So Special About Chanting Hare Krishna?
By Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandan dasa ACBSP):

Hare Krishna is NOT "a Cult":
Is ISKCON a Cult or part of the "Hindu Culture" or Something Else?

Hare Krishna is NOT a Cult letter by Kunti dd editor of Hare Krishna World:

38 Years of Krishna Consciousness through Iskcon.........

Very nice articles and numerous links on the About Hinduism web-site.

What is ISKCON ???

Is Iskcon a Cult?

Iskcon and Hinduism

SONGS AND MANTRAS by Vaishnava spiritual masters:

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Recently I was asked, "Don't you find it an inconvenience to always be checking to see when is the right time to do this or the best time for that?"

In simple terms my answer was and still is; if you go to the bus or railway station or airport it is probably an intelligent venture to enquire about the times and routes of vehicles than to just hope that one will be along soon, or one is going in your direction.

There are subtle influences in the Universe that, for thousands of years gone by, advanced cultures have honoured, respected and utilised. Before the corruption of the Vedik literatures by the Christian and Moslem invaders to India all these things were used; Ayurvedik Medicine; Vedik Astrology; etc. Today there's a rennaisance among many to revive these arts.

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aham kratur aham yajnah
svadhaham aham ausadham
mantro 'ham aham evajyam
aham agnir aham hutam

"But it is I who am the ritual, I the sacrifice, the offering to the ancestors, the healing herb,
the transcendental chant. I am the butter and the fire and the offering."(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita 9.16)

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ete cäàça-kaläù puàsaù
kåñëas tu bhagavän svayam
indräri-vyäkulaà lokaà
måòayanti yuge yuge

“All the lists of the incarnations of Godhead submitted herewith are either plenary expansions or parts of the plenary expansions of the Supreme Godhead, but Kåñëa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.28)

rämädi-mürtiñu kalä-niyamena tiñöhan
nänävatäram akarod bhuvaneñu kintu
kåñëaù svayaà samabhavat paramaù pumän yo
govindam ädi-puruñaà tam ahaà bhajämi

“I worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda [Kåñëa], who is always situated in various incarnations such as Räma, Nåsiàha and many subincarnations as well, but who is the original Personality of Godhead known as Kåñëa, and who incarnates personally also.” (Brahma samhita 5:39.)

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"The religious principles taught by Mohammed and Jesus Christ are similar to the religious principles taught by Vaishnava sects. Buddhism and Jainism are similar to Saiva-dharma. This is scientific consideration of truths regarding religious principles. Those who consider their own religious principles as real dharma and others religious principles as irreligion or subreligion are unable to ascertain the truth due to being influenced by prejudice. Actually religious principles followed by people in general are different only due to the different qualifications of the practitioners, but the constitutional religious principles of all living entities are one." (Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur. Sri Krsna Samhita.)

updated 15th December 2004

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A selection of interesting Krishna conscious articles from New Panihati - Atlanta temple USA:

Paradigms - where things are not all they seem

Krishna conscious Dramas and plays:
A collection of 88 transcendental dramas assembled and presented for the pleasure of
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

Wonderful modern Krishna conscious plays:

These are great for Sunday feasts, or school programs or street presentations, or just for our own understanding.

Read here what Prabhupad says about such plays and dramas:

The Formidable Audio page - Bhajans, Kirtans, Lectures many Iskcon devotees:


Bhajans and Kirtans


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Food For Life Global helps Tsunami victims

Indradyumna Swami from food distribution in Sri Lankha

Silver lining in a dark cloud:

January 2005 - Sri Lanka

I have been quite moved by what I have seen and experianced during my two weeks of disaster relief work here in Sri Lanka. I have travelled the world as a monk ( sannyasi ) for 35 years and have seen many disturbing situations; war in Grozny, the aftermath of war in Sarajevo, hunger in Sudan. But to echo the recent words of Colin Powell, I have never seen anything as devastating as the tsunami disaster here in Sri Lanka.

I traveled along the coast from Colombo to Galle yesterday and saw devastation worse than war. Whole villages had disappeared. Hardly a home was left standing. Bridges were destroyed, train tracks uprooted. Everything was rubble - for hundred of kilometers. I was stunned by the force of the Tsunami wave.

Myself and party were going to do food relief in the refugee camps. When we arrived the army assisted us. However, I soon saw that the refugees, for the most part, were not hungry. Soon after the disaster the government, aided by generous donations from around the world, had began providing food for the victims of the tragedy. I inquired further and learned that there is no scarcity of food in any of the refugee camps throughout the country.

Neither have there been any epidemics. There are medical personel available in all refugee camps.

I must say that it is a credit to the people of the world, who reacted so swiftly and with such generosity, that hunger and disease have been avoided here in Sri Lanka. I have heard that the situation is the same in the other 10 countries affected by the Tsunami. It is wonderful that so many barriers have been broken down ( at least temporarily ) as a result of the disaster. I believe it is unprecedented. If only such sentiments of cooperation could continue in the world. History has shown they often don’t.

I believe the real issue now at hand - as regards relief work - is the many orphaned children in this country. Personally, I am redirecting ISKCON’s efforts here from food relief, to taking care of orphaned children. It simply breaks my heart to see them crying in the refugee camps.

Here in Colombo, our local Hare Krsna temple runs a successful orphanage with 100 children. My efforts will now be to raise funds to expand that orphange so that it can accept another 100 children whose parents died in the disaster. I will even request the orphanage to take several children I have personally met in my travels; kids whose big eyes, sad faces and desire for love have captured my heart.

I am not sure what the media is reporting these days, as I have no access to television. But I have been to the ravaged coast and cried my tears of sympathy for the dead, the dying and the injured. I have walked through the refugee camps, spoken to the people, heard their stories and given them my shoulder to lean on. And significantly, I seen first hand the result of unprecedented world sympathy for the victims. People are being taken care of - as best one can under such circumstances. Food is here, medicine is here and homes are slowly being built for the people to return to. Of course, no one can replace their loved ones. And only time may help them to recover from the trauma they experienced.

I am leaving here soon. I will take with me an enduring impression of the cruel face that material nature sometimes shows, but the assurance that sometimes, if ever so rarely, the human race can work together in a spirit of love to help each other. This can only be God’s grace.

Indradyumna Swami

PS If you would like to assist in some way you are welcome to donate directly to our ISKCON Colombo Temple. For more information write to

Volume 6, Chapter 4
January 21 - February 10, 2005

"The Medicine of the Holy Names"

by HH Indradyumna Swami

The day after returning to Colombo from our trip to Matara we quickly busied ourselves for the relief work ahead. We used funds donated from overseas to purchase the basics required for cooking: tons of rice, dhal, and vegetables, as well as spices, five huge new pots and various cooking utensils. Ten devotees loaded everything on a government lorry, piled in a van and returned to southern Sri Lanka, ready to begin serving daily prasadam to five thousand displaced persons.

The same day I took three devotees in another van to the east coast of Sri Lanka, scouting for opportunities to distribute prasadam there. The thirteen-hour drive would take us through a hilly area and across a 100km plain to the ocean.

Much of Sri Lanka's east coast is controlled by the Tamil Tigers. The rebel force had fought the Sinhalese government for thirty years before agreeing to a ceasefire three years ago. The ceasefire had held, but the government had recently warned that it could not guarantee the safety of humanitarian workers going into rebel-controlled areas.

"If you go to distribute prasadam and have kirtan they won't bother you," said Mahakarta dasa, the Colombo temple president. "In fact, they'll welcome you. Most of the tsunami world aid given to Sri Lanka is being distributed in the southern region, controlled by the government."

The horrors that I had witnessed in the southern coast seemed far away as we drove through the picturesque interior jungle. The winding road took us through some of the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen. The well-maintained road serviced the many tourists who flocked to Sri Lanka before and just after the war. An astonishing variety of colorful birds soared through the humid air, their beautiful colors clashing splendidly with the deep green jungle foliage. A tropical climate and diversity of habitats endow Sri Lanka with an abundance of bird life. "There are more than four hundred different species," said our driver .

We passed nearby Kandy, the second biggest city on the island and the Sinhalese cultural and spiritual headquarters. In the center of the city is a beautiful lake, and on its northern shores sits Sri Dalada Maligawa, the Temple of the Tooth. This temple enshrines an original tooth of Lord Buddha, reputed to have been snatched from His funeral pyre in 543 BC and smuggled into Sri Lanka in the hair of a princess some nine hundred years later.

Driving further, we saw hills carpeted with the glowing green of large tea plantations. Two hours into our journey we passed a sign advertising an elephant orphanage.

"An elephant orphanage?" I asked in surprise.

"There are many wild elephants on the island," our driver informed us. "Because of the war, many baby elephants were orphaned. So the government started an orphanage. It's open to the public."

"Let's go see it!" one devotee suggested.

"That's not what we're here for," I said. "We're not tourists. We're on a mission to help the victims of the tsunami; don't forget that."

Everyone in the van became silent.

After several hours I spoke up. "How do we know when we're in Tamil Tiger territory?" I asked the driver.

"You'll know," he said with a laugh.

Hours later, as twilight was settling in and just as I had drifted off to sleep, I was rudely shaken awake by the jerking motion of our car bouncing up and down on the road.

"What's going on?" I asked the driver.

"We're now in Tamil Tiger territory," he grinned.

Sticking my head outside the widow, I saw potholes in the road every few meters. The asphalt was cracking everywhere and there were few road signs giving proper directions.

"It's a different world from here on," our driver said. "Some parts of the area are patrolled by government forces . . . and others by Tamil Tigers."

Sure enough, within minutes we came to a government army checkpoint barricaded in barbed wire. Soldiers came over to our van and shined their flashlights in. Not knowing exactly what to do, I simply smiled. To my surprise they all smiled back.

"They know you're here for relief work," said the driver. "Few tourists come this way anymore."

"I can understand why," I replied.

The soldiers let us pass. As we bounced along the road I strained my eyes to see the jungle outside. Suddenly, our driver slammed the brakes to avoid hitting a huge form laboring on the road before us.

"Hare Krsna! It's an elephant!" one devotee exclaimed.

Speeding up again, our driver calmly drove around the beast.

Some time later we descended out of the hill country and onto the plains that stretched towards the sea.

"How many more hours to go?" I asked. It seemed like we'd been driving for days.

"Five," he answered.

"Five! Okay, then pull over; I have to answer nature's call." As the driver pulled over I stepped out and started walking towards a field.

Just as I stepped on the grass a devotee screamed out, "Maharaja! Stop! It's a minefield!"

Immediately I stopped and carefully backtracked, only then noticing several red signs nearby painted with skulls and crossbones, reading, "Danger! Landmines!"

"Come back," said the driver. "We'll find someplace else."

As we drove on he explained that many areas in the region were mined during the war by both government and Tamil Tiger forces. "Hundreds of thousands of land mines and tons of explosives are buried in this part of the country," he said. "Be careful where you walk. Stick to the main roads. And watch out for snakes too. Sri Lanka has five venomous types."

Reaching beneath his seat, he pulled out a vial containing some dirt. "You'll be protected if you carry this," he offered.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"It's from the town of Madhu, up north," he replied. "That's where the statue of Our Lady of Madhu is located. She protects us from snakebites, just as earth taken from around her shrine protects us. Would you like some?"

"No, that's okay," I declined, waving my hand. "I'll just stay on the beaten path."

Darkness fell as we drove on through the plains. I noticed there wasn't a single person on the streets in the small villages through which we passed.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Most of the fighting during the war took place at night," the driver replied, "so these people are accustomed to going inside just after nightfall."

"But there's a ceasefire in effect now," I said.

"Ceasefire doesn't mean the war is over," he said. "There are still skirmishes from time to time. Recently a top Tamil Tiger politician was assassinated nearby."

Again silence prevailed inside the van, and I dozed off. I awoke in a village and saw a building with a sign that read, "Tamil Tiger Regional Headquarters."

Surprised, I turned to the driver who in a serious voice said, "They're in control here."

Just after midnight we arrived at our final destination: a small village near Batticaloa on the far-eastern shore of Sri Lanka.

After being in the stuffy van all day, I wanted some fresh air. I was about to ask the driver if he could take me the short distance to the beach so I could take a walk. Then I remembered that it would be a terrible scene of devastation, like most other places along the coast.

We soon met a local Hindu priest with whom we had a prearranged meeting. He took us to a wedding hall across from a Ganesh temple where we were to rest that night. Inside there was a small light shining, and I was surprised to see many men sleeping on the floor.

"They're fisherman who lost their homes and families in the tsunami," the priest said.

As I set up my mosquito net huge clashes of thunder pounded outside. Soon rain started pouring down. I quickly fell asleep, exhausted by the day's long journey.

I woke up late. The fishermen were already up and cooking their breakfast in a corner of the hall. When everyone was up we bathed at the well outside. After chanting most of our rounds we went with the local priest, our translator, to check the camps for displaced persons.

As we approached the first camp, I asked the priest if the people were getting enough food.

"Food is not the problem here," he told us. "Although the government has done little to help us, our people from the interior, unaffected by the tsunami, have been giving sufficient rice and dhal. The Indian government has also sent several shiploads of the same.

"The real problem here is that most of the victims of the tsunami are suffering from trauma. People are still in shock. At least twice a week rumors circulate that another tsunami is coming, and people panic. They grab their children and belongings and run out of the camps screaming.

"Are you trained in dealing with trauma?" he asked me.

"No," I replied, "but we have a special medicine for such things."

"A special medicine?"

"Yes, wait and see."

As we walked into the first camp I noticed a distinct difference from those on the south coast. Some seven hundred people milled about. Things appeared much less orderly. There were no Red Cross representatives or army personnel. People seemed disoriented. A number had bandaged injuries. One woman's face was just beginning to heal from a bad burn. Sadness seemed to hover over the camp like a dark monsoon cloud.

Walking straight into the middle of the camp, I asked for a chair and sat down. The people, curious, started to gather around us. The devotees sat around me, and taking our mrdanga in my hands I started to chant Hare Krsna. Within moments the whole camp was listening carefully. As the tempo built up I indicated that the people should clap along, which they began to do enthusiastically. After ten minutes I stopped. Turning to the priest I said, "They're clapping, but they're not chanting."

He leaned over and whispered, "They don't know Krsna here. But they know Ramacandra. After all, this is Lanka, where Ravana lived."

Smiling, I began kirtan again, singing "Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram, Patita Pavana Sita Ram." Immediately the people responded by smiling and chanting along. As the kirtan got faster some people started dancing. After twenty minutes I brought the kirtan to a close. The atmosphere was like Vaikuntha.

Astonished, the priest said, "They all look so happy!"

Turning to him with a smile, I said, "It's the medicine of the holy names."

After the crowd settled down I began telling stories from the Ramayana. It was obvious by the way they nodded their heads that they knew the pastimes, but they drank the nectar of Rama-katha as if it was their first taste. After forty-five minutes I called all the children forward and asked a few simple questions: Who is Lord Rama's wife? What color is Lord Rama? Who is His most faithful servant? When a child answered correctly, I would give him or her a little card with a picture of Radha and Krsna and a calendar on the back. From the enthusiasm of the children, it seemed that those colorful cards were as good as gold.

Then I taught them the Hare Krsna mantra, and the blissful atmosphere expanded as they chanted along.

As we got up to leave, many of the women came rushing forward to put their babies in my arms. I wasn't exactly sure what to do, so I just chanted Hare Krsna in each infant's ear. There were many babies and it took quite some time.

As we walked toward the gate, the entire camp followed us. They appeared very grateful: everyone waved and some even cried as we got into our van to go to the next camp. It was more evidence for me that kirtan and Hari-katha are the panacea for all problems in Kali-yuga.

aho ahobhir na kaler viduyate
 sudha su dhara madhuram pade pade
dine dine candana candra sitalaà
 yaso yasoda tanayasya giyate

"One who daily sings the glories of Yasoda's son, Krsna, which are cooling as sandalwood and camphor, is not troubled by the days of Kali-yuga. For him every step is a torrential flood of the sweetest nectar."

[Srila Rupa Goswami - Padyavali, Text 41]

As we drove to the next camp I got a call from Tara das, who was directing the prasadam distribution in the Matara district to the south.

"It's going well, Maharaja," Tara said. "Yesterday we distributed four thousand plates. It's just the beginning. Many people in the camp enjoy helping us gather wood for cooking, and they also help us cutting up vegetables. The major has arranged trucks for us to go out and distribute prasadam to several camps in the area each day.

"More devotees will be arriving from Russia soon," he continued, "and we'll begin distributing prasadam in other parts of the country as well."

As we continued driving to the next camp the priest turned to me and said, "The most traumatized are the people still on the beach. Although their homes were destroyed, some won't leave. Do you think you could visit there before we go any farther? They really need help."

"Okay," I said. "Let's go."

Within a few minutes we were at the beach. As we got out of the car I felt as if my eyes were tricking me. Everything was devastated as far as one could see. It seemed even more extensive than the southern part of the country. The tsunami had flattened practically every house. Cars, bicycles, chairs, sofas, toys, and clothes--a seemingly unlimited assortment of paraphernalia--were strewn everywhere. And there was the awful stench of death. I covered my mouth with a cloth.

"Mostly dead animals," the priest said, "but we are still finding human bodies. They're under the rubble of the houses and also wash up periodically on the shore."

On my drive along the southern coast I had seen the destruction only from a distance. Now I was walking through it. We had to step carefully through the decimated area, over shards of broken glass, chunks of concrete, and jagged pieces of wood and wire--and bones, already bleached white by the tropical sun. Nearby I saw volunteers from a humanitarian organization spraying everything in sight with disinfectant.

"By God's grace there has been no epidemic yet," said the priest.

Walking through one neighborhood completely destroyed by the tsunami, we came across two distraught men sitting in the rubble of what used to be a house.

As we approached, one of them looked up and sobbing uncontrollably, said, "I was on top of the house, and I saw my mother swept away before my eyes."

"I lost both my children," said the other man, standing. "They were torn from my arms as I sat right here."

Grabbing my kurta, he screamed, "Why has God allowed this? I am not a bad man!"

For the moment there was nothing to say; no words could offer reason to one in such distress. I simply put my arm around him. After two minutes, as our group turned to go, I said to him softly, "Hare Krsna." Nodding his head, he looked to the sky, silently accepting his destiny and the will of providence.

A few minutes later we approached a severely damaged temple that was completely deserted. "Where is the priest?" I inquired.

"He died in the tsunami," said our priest. "Hardly anyone survived in this area. We burned his body and spread the ashes over there near the sea."

Just then I saw a young man wandering aimlessly through the rubble nearby. I asked the priest to call him over.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. "School started a few days ago."

"I'm looking for the bodies of my mother, father, three brothers, and four sisters," he said with a dazed expression. "The terrible ocean took them away."

I sat him down and put my hand on his shoulder.

"The body is temporary," I said, "but the soul is eternal and never dies."

Those few words calmed him, so I continued. "Your mother, father, brothers, and sisters are elsewhere now. You won't see them again in this life."

I asked where he was living.

"With my auntie," he replied.

"Don't come back here," I said. "Your mother would have wanted you in school now. Am I right?"

"Yes," he agreed, and as he turned to go he said, "Thank you."

Just as he left, a distressed woman came running up to me and grabbed my arm. She was speaking in Tamil, so I couldn't understand her.

"She said she lost her husband and eight-year-old daughter in the tsunami," the priest said. "And her three-year-old boy is in the hospital. She has no money to feed him. She's asking if you can give her some."

I reached into my pocket, and taking out two thousand rupees put it in her hand. Still crying, she went to sit in the ruins of her home.

We spent several hours among the devastation near the beach, talking to people and trying to comfort them as much as we could. Sometimes I would offer transcendental knowledge, but more often it was a simple embrace that gave a person the solace they needed.

On the way back to our van we stopped at the local school, which was not much more than a steel frame left standing after the tsunami. Going inside, I watched as the teachers gave thirty or forty kids a lesson in mathematics.

When the children noticed me they all ran up close, staring. I spent several minutes shaking their hands, asking them their names and pulling on the girls' pigtails. One boy was wearing a hat, and I took it off and put it on my own head, making all the kids laugh. Suddenly I saw the reason he was wearing the hat: he had a horrible skin infection on his head. As I took the hat off I thought, "I'll probably pay a high price for that trick."

I taught the children to chant Hare Krsna and after a short kirtan we departed.

As we left, the teacher said, "Thank you. They'll never forget your visit."

Walking back to our van, I said to the priest, "There's years of work to be done, just in this one village."

"Can you stay a little longer?" he asked.

"I'm afraid I have to move on," I replied, "but I'll be sending a group of devotees here in a few days to distribute prasadam and chant with the people. And I'll spread the word. Perhaps there are devotees overseas who can spare a little time and come here as well."

Stopping, the priest took both my hands and said, "Tell them we would be most appreciative. Even if they came for just a few days."

We visited several more camps and the next day started the long drive back to Colombo.

As we neared our base in Colombo late that afternoon, our driver reminded me of a promise I had made to visit an orphanage just outside the city, run by the local ISKCON temple. Seeing that I was tired and so a little hesitant, he said, "They're wonderful little devotees."

"Devotees?" I asked.

"Yes. It's more than just an orphanage. Shall we go?"

"All right," I agreed.

When we arrived at the orphanage, I met Nandarani dasi, Mahakarta's wife, who started the project seven years ago.

"We have seventy-nine children at the moment," she said, "most of them orphans from the war. But recently the government has asked us to take seventy-five more children orphaned by the tsunami. We've just begun construction on a new dormitory for that purpose."

As she took me on a tour of the property, I was amazed at the clean and well-organized facility.

"We also run a school for the children," she said with a smile.

"It must be difficult raising orphans who've experienced the horrors of war," I suggested.

"Many saw their parents killed," she said soberly. "It was a technique used by soldiers on both sides. But through the years, these children have come to terms with all they saw in the war."

"How is that?"

"Through Krsna consciousness," she replied. "Come, I'll show you."

She took me to the temple room, where all the children were anxiously waiting to meet me. When I walked in, they all paid obeisances and then eagerly gathered around me.

"They want to hear stories about Krsna," she said, "and then have kirtan. It's their life and soul."

I immediately began telling them Krsna conscious stories, and after an hour I picked up a drum and started kirtan. Once again, I witnessed the all-merciful nature of the holy names as the children danced wildly with abandon, their big smiles radiating with youthful enthusiasm. I took the kirtan outside, and we chanted and danced all over the property. They were beside themselves with happiness. After an hour and a half I was exhausted and brought the kirtan party back into the temple room. But they wanted more, so I kept going, praying for the strength to fulfill their taste for the holy names. When we finally finished, I sat on the floor with all the children around me, blissful smiles still decorating their innocent faces.

"Am I in a war-torn country, recently ravaged by a tsunami--or am I in Vaikuntha, the spiritual world?" I wondered to myself in amazement. Looking again at the blissful children, I knew: "For the moment, I'm in Vaikuntha."

As our group continued back to Colombo, I said to the devotees in the van, "This is something new in our movement: a Krsna conscious orphanage!"

That night I began making the final touches on the infrastructure I had set up for our relief work on the island. I would be leaving in a few days, but devotees who had come with me from overseas would continue the work for at least another two months.

Before taking rest, I remembered my promise to the priest on the east coast. I wrote emails to several godbrothers, asking if they could spare some time to come and help the villagers deal with the tragedy of the tsunami.

I got an instant reply.

"I don't know how much help I could be," one godbrother wrote. "I don't have money, I'm not a doctor, and I don't have experience in counseling."

I wrote back, "Just come with the holy names. They're what's needed most here now."

"May Krsna's holy name, which is a reservoir of all transcendental happiness, the destruction of Kali-yuga's sins, the most purifying of all purifying things, the saintly person's food as he traverses the path to the spiritual world, the pleasure-garden where the voices of the greatest saints, philosophers, and poets play, the life of the righteous, and the seed of the tree of religion, bring transcendental auspiciousness to you all."

[Srila Rupa Goswami, Padayavali - Text 19]
Official website for Diary of a Traveling Preacher

HFB launches national campaign to reclaim Swastika

The Hindu Forum of Britain, the largest umbrella body for British Hindus, today launched a national campaign to reclaim the Swastika, regarded as a holy symbol by Hindus, Buddhists and Jains from its Nazi connection. The campaign has been started as a result of German members of the European parliament calling for a Europe-wide ban on the symbol, which has been the subject of much debate after Prince Harry wore the Swastika on a Nazi uniform to a fancy dress party.

“We want to restore it to the symbol of universal goodness, fortune and life that it originally stood for,” commented Ramesh Kallidai, Secretary General of the Hindu Forum of Britain. “A symbol we have used for more than 5,000 years is now on the verge of being banned because of association with the Nazis over which we had no control. Hindus wish to continue to use this symbol as part of their religion, but they risk being labelled a Nazi or, in the case of a ban, risk breaking the law. We need to educate people about the historical context of the symbol, its wrong use by the Nazis and its importance to Hindus.”

Hindus in Britain expressed alarm after Franco Frattini, the European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security, had indicated earlier in the week that he was considering the possibility of a ban. Nazi symbols including the swastika are already banned in Germany.

Explaining the scope of the national campaign to reclaim the Swastika, Ramesh Kallidai, explained that they were appealing to the national media to help spread awareness of the importance of the symbol to Hindus worldwide. “We are planning meetings across the country and a major conference in London to promote awareness about why Hindus use Swastika,” he explained. “We will also be writing to every MP in Parliament and printing information booklets that can be distributed to faith communities and other stakeholders.”

Hindus use the Swastika in a number of ways during religious ceremonies ­ it is often used on the doorway to bring good luck, used on colourful patterns drawn on the floor during festivals like Diwali, worn as a pendant, painted on portraits of Hindu Gods, and even painted on the head of child who has gone through the sacrament of the first hair cutting ceremony.  “It is ironic that a symbol depicting the wheel of life and good fortune had become a symbol of racism, torture and war,” added Kallidai.

“There are two types of Swastikas,” commented Swami Nirliptananda, Spiritual Commissioner of the Hindu Forum. “The right-handed one depicts life and good fortune, while the left-handed one denotes death and illusion. Although the Nazis initially used the right-handed one, later they started using the left-handed version. It is necessary to educate people about what the Swastika is and to differentiate between the two. The one used by the Hindus is quite different from the one used by the Nazis.”

Speaking on behalf of the National Hindu Students Forum, the largest student body for British Hindus, its PRO, Nishma Gosrani said, “British Hindu Students from across the country have shown great support for the Hindu Forum’s national campaign to reclaim a religious symbol which should be respectfully honoured for many more generations. We are keen to see that the Swastika continues to be used as a religious symbol without being tarnished by the Nazi reputation as a result of its misuse by Adolf Hitler.”

Ashok Chudasama, of the Blackburn Hindu Centre, who runs courses to explain the use of Hindu symbols, said  “When people in the north raised concerns about us using the swastika, we educated them and they have taken on board the true meaning.”

Bhupendra Patel, a magistrate and the secretary of the Shree Sattavis Gam Patidar Samaj, a large Hindu organisation for the Patel community, expressed his concern about the ban. “Like many Christians wear crosses, many Hindus wear swastikas. Does this mean they will be ostracised as Nazis?”  he asked.

“It is unfortunate that a symbol of life has been tainted as a representation of greed and evil in the last century,” said Mahesh Bhatt, President of the Federation pf Brahmin Associations of Europe. “It is time that this latter view is corrected for the millions of people around the world who regard the Swastika as an important symbolism.”

Swastika ­ ancient symbol of life and fortune
One of the oldest known swastikas was painted on a Palaeolithic cave 10,000 years ago and swastikas have been found on pottery and coins from ancient India, China and Greece. Swastika is derived from the Sanskrit word svastikah, “being fortunate”. Swastika is made up of two Sanskrit words, “su” meaning good and “asti” meaning to exist, which together means  “let good prevail”
According to Buddhist texts, the Buddha left footprints in the shape of swastikas
The symbol is formed from the shape of a cross, with the arms bent to the right symbolising health and life, or to the left, which came to symbolise ill fortune
The original designer of the Nazi emblem was Dr Freidrich Krohn, a dentist and a member of several German nationalist groups
The swastika was popularised in Germany after the archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann found many objects with swastikas on them when directing the excavation of Troy and Mycenae. He linked the symbol to the Aryan people. For the Hindus it remains one of the most auspicious symbols, only next to OM.
It is shaped like a Greek cross with its arms bent at right angles.  There are two Swastikas, male and female. The arms of the female Swastika are bent anti-clockwise. Most people are not aware that there are two different Swastikas.

Member of European Parliament Says Europe Needs History Lesson On the Swastika

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM, February 2, 2005: The following news released was received from the office of Robert Evans ("source"), Labour Member of the European Parliament for London:

Labour Member of the European Parliament, Robert Evans has called for a European campaign on the real history of the swastika to highlight its importance to Europe's Hindus. "The swastika was not invented by Hitler" said Robert Evans. "In fact, it has been used for over 3,000 years by many cultures, in particular the Hindu, Jain and Buddhist communities to represent life, sun, power, peace, strength and good luck." "Whilst of course I understand why some MEPs are suggesting the swastika should be banned, in reality this would have the effect of discriminating against Europe's one million plus Hindus and deprive them of their sacred symbol." In a European Parliament Written Declaration, co-tabled by West Midlands MEP Neena Gill, they refer to the fact that the word "swastika" comes from the old Indian or Sanskrit word svastika (to be good) and that until the twentieth century it was not associated with anything other than positive messages. "To Hindus, it's the second most sacred symbol in their tradition and has been used for several thousand years to ward off evil. Unlike the Nazi swastika which faced left, the Hindu swastika faces to the right and by tradition it is red, a color regarded as auspicious by Hindus." states Robert Evans. (HPI adds: This is, in part, a common piece of misinformation. Hindus use both the right and left swastikas, and there are examples even on Indus Valley seals.)

"The swastika was adopted by Adolf Hitler's Nazis in 1920. It then became a symbol of all that is evil and was associated with the greatest crimes in the history of mankind."  "I completely condemn its use for xenophobic, racial hatred or right wing purposes. However, what is needed now is tolerance and understanding. The swastika in a different form is very important to millions of Hindus across Europe and the rest of the world." added Robert Evans. "Of course this issue has to be handled sensitively and I am very conscious of the anguish that the use of the swastika causes to the Jewish Community, but for Hindus the swastika is a religious sacrament, to express their devotion to God. In London I have seen it in many houses and in Hindu temples." "It must be possible to separate the evil of Hitler and his ideology from the Hindu symbol which actually means almost the opposite." concluded Mr Evans.

hinduism today

UK Hindu Forum supported by all major political parties

The Objectives of the Hindu Forum are:

To facilitate consultation and communication for identifying issues affecting British Hindus and coordinate methods for finding solutions thereof.

To aid integration of British Hindus by supporting their social, cultural, educational, economic, democratic and physiological needs.

To build stronger links between British Hindus and other faith communities in the UK in an attempt to establish friendship and trust in keeping with the multi-cultural multi-faith nature of British society

To work in partnership with various government departments, units, service providers, non-governmental institutions and the media to assist in the process of nation building, community cohesion, community empowerment and capacity building

To represent the Hindu community, through broad-based membership and widespread consultation at different platforms so that voice for the Hindu Community is heard.

For further information click on

UK Hindu Youth Protest Proposed Swastika Ban

LONDON, ENGLAND, February 5, 2005: Preeti Raichura, chairperson of the Hindu Youth UK Leicester and representative to the Hindu Council UK, issued the following statement regarding proposals to ban the use of the swastika in the European Union:

For thousands of years the Swastika has been used in the name of Goodness, Purity, Love and tolerance. But the true meaning of the Swastika has been diminished by the rein of the Nazis. Once a symbol that was universally accepted from all walks of life with open arms is now tainted with the scrutiny dictated by Hitler. The word Swastika originates from the Sanskrit language and is composed of two separate words: Su and Asti. Su meaning "good" and Asti "to exist." As per Sanskrit grammar the words Su and Asti when amalgamated into one word become Swasti (as in the case of Su and Aagatam becoming Swagatam meaning welcome). If this derivation of the word Swastika is true, then the literal meaning of the term Swastika would be "let good prevail." So if the swastika means "let good prevail" why would anyone want to ban its use? Our so-called multi-cultural, society shouldn't even be questioning its use but welcoming the very meaning of it. The swastika is seen as a powerful symbol to Hindus and holds the unshakable faith of millions around the world. The swastika is a symbol of Lord Ganesha, the Lord of prosperity, happiness, luck and the remover of obstacles. In both Hinduism and Jainism, the Swastika is used to mark the opening pages of account books, doors and thresholds, and during the time of any religious ceremony.

Nazi Germany took an ancient Hindu symbol and perverted it to such a degree that it can never be used again without bringing up all the associations of death, destruction, hatred and vileness that it perpetrated. If the Swastika is displayed in any of the "civilized" parts of the earth, the reactions of the viewer are universally of rage and disgust. How can such a beautiful meaning be corrupted to such extremes? Just because some less educated, ignorant members of our society do not associate the symbol with Hindu ideology as a positive symbol of the cosmos, discounting thousands of years of positive Hindu association with the swastika, the West, instead see this as a history purely in terms of its more recent, 70-year-old link with Hitler and the Nazi killing machine.

As a British-born Hindu, bought up in multi-cultural Leicester, I believe the swastika can be used as a means of bringing communities together, and sharing a universal approach of community cohesion, and togetherness, promoting goodness and tolerance. Swastika has been used for centuries by people far beyond India. The significance of Swastika is still prevalent today within Hinduism and other religions. Within Buddhism the Swastika means the 4 L's: Luck, Light, Love and Life. To the People of Mexico and Central America, the Swastika is used as a charm to drive away evil, bring good luck, long life and prosperity. Marks of the Swastika have also been found on coins dated back 2,300 years. The Swastika's influence has reached the length and breadth of the world and has influenced people in one way or another. The Swastika has proved to be a universal symbol which is beyond national boundaries, religion, race and gender.

 Personally, I don't think putting a ban on the Swastika is going to stop Hindu's using this very sacred symbol during times of religious ceremonies, and neither do I believe Hindu's should stop using the symbol they have used for thousands of years as a gesture of "goodness." Hindu Youth UK Leicester, organizers of "Get Connected" Leicester Extravaganza, have been involved in educational campaigns to educate communities on the meaning of the non threatening use of the Swastika, reassuring the British society that this symbol is not associated with the Nazi's.

hinduism today

Dwarka remains may soon be protected as underwater world cultural heritage site

NEW DELHI, JULY 13: Old shipwrecks -- like that of the Titanic -- which have been lying buried under the sea with their precious treasure along with the submerged city of Dwarka off the Gujarat coast, for centuries, could soon vie for the status of an underwater world cultural heritage site.

Over 200 experts from 84 countries, who gathered under the aegis of UNESCO in Paris recently to examine a draft convention on the issue, unanimously agreed that underwater cultural heritage was in urgent need of protection from destruction and pillaging.

Currently, structures or properties lying under water can not claim the status of cultural heritage. The absence of any protective mechanism has left them open to pillaging and destruction by treasure hunters and curious deep-sea divers. The experts agreed that the definition of cultural heritage needed to be expanded in order to protect underwater heritage as well.

The submerged city of Dwarka is believed to be an important site having both historical and cultural value for India. Legend has it that the remains -- the wall of a city is clearly visible while the rest is yet to be discovered -- are in fact, that of the ancient city of Dwarka mentioned in stories of Lord Krishna.

Read full story here:

See our pages supporting these views HERE: (Vedik World Heritage)
Western Indologists been exposed page:
How British Misguided World on Vedic History

yeah kick the butt
...and remember from 10th December 2004 no more smoking in public places in New Zealand by law


A certain boatman was troubled by the idea that the operation of pulling at the cord for towing his boat was a miserable job involving great hardships, inasmuch as it required him to trudge painfully along must uneven ground, over thorn and brambles which often stuck into the bare soles of his feet.  Therefore if he could manage to get rich somehow he would be in a position to tug at his cord by bestriding quilts and mattresses which he would take care to spread over either bank of the river.  The boatman was so foolish that he intended to carry all the miserable pursuits of his poverty-stricken state into the condition of affluence.  The consideration that if he could get rich , it might not be necessary for him to tug at the cord at all would not penetrate his foolish head.

MORAL:  We carry our concept of life in the material world over into the spiritual world, thinking that it will be the same here.  However, when one attains the wealth of spiritual existence, there is no need for him to suffer any more.

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Problems with Ghosts, Evil Eye, Curses, Black Magic etc etc

Continuous illness - All medical treatments fail.

Constant worries, Suicidal tendencies, or Desire to move away from home and family.

Continuous illness of any member of the family.

Tiredness and weakness like M.E.

Eating disorders associated with obesity and anorexia.

Being short tempered. Sterility, without any physical

deficiency or without any medical reason.

Repeated miscarriages or death of children.

Sudden unnatural deaths in the family.

Problems in the construction of new houses, new factory or any other building.

Shortness of money, in spite of hard labour.

No desire to live. Feels suffocated. Life seems useless.

Apathy, no desire to rise In Life.

Achievement of objectives seems impossible.

Sudden quarrels between brothers or the members of the family, without any reason.

Unexpected loss in the business of property.

Ill health and under development of children.

Loss of peace due to the fear of enemies and their evil designs.

Discord between spouses or the family.

Greatest efforts always resulting in failure.

Lack of Govt, favours, promotions and the desired raises or transfers.

Poverty, in spite of hard work.

Mental disorders - Insanity - Craziness.

These are some effects which prove that one is under the spell of the supernatural or black magic.

Even though Intelligent, one still fails to find solutions to such problems.

It is only due to "Black Works" that all your wisdom, all your strategies and all your intelligence fails.for relief

To see the Online 2004 Vyasa Puja Book visit:

Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa pujan in Mayapur 2003 pictures:

Go to Links to Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Pujan

Some Official web-sites of senior Iskcon devotees:
HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami (UK)  (Institute for Applied Spiritual Technology) (Perth Aus)

HH Bir-Krishna Goswami's site

HH Devamrita Swami

HH Gopal Krishna Goswami:

HH Indradyumna Swami

HH Jayapataka Swami
Many lectures by HH Jayapataka Swami and HH Radhanath Swami

HH Kadamba Kanana Swami

HH Prabhavishnu Swami

HH Prahladananda Swami

HH Romapada Swami

HH Sacinandan Swami

HH Sivaram Swami:

HH Sridhar Swami (the late Sridhar swami)

HH Suhotra Swami (new) (old)
This takes the surfer to the startpage where they can see the cool animation.

HH Trivikram Swami

HG Vaiyasaki dasa Adhikari

If you know of any other senior Iskcon devotee web-sites please send their URL to us to share with others through this media

Here's a short list with some links - sadhu sanga ki jaya


The Peace Formula

The Real Peace Formula

See more on Yoga and Meditation HERE:

What's Going On Where &Adds


The New Iskcon Auckland temple open one year.

for more information and some wonderfrul pictures of the event see our page:

photos updated 12th March 2004

Hare KrishnaSchool & Playgroup

Krishna Conscious education for children

Hare Krishna School in Riverhead, Auckland is a government funded school that runs from 9am – 3pm five days a week. We cover all core subjects in the New Zealand Curriculum and in addition teach Sanskrit, Sastra and Vedic arts. Children who come to this school get everything that children at state schools get plus Vedic culture and values in a serene rural environment.

We also run a preschool program for children 3 and up.

A school bus service provides transport from Auckland suburbs.

For enrolment information please contact:-

Ph: 09-412-6325
Mob: 021-265-7587
Fax: 09-412-6325

Find out what the NZ Government Education Review Office thinks of the Hare Krishna School. Click the link below.$File/4204.htm?OpenElement

Balgopal Krishna Conscious Preschool in Henderson Auckland prepares children for school with a nurturing academic and character development program founded on Krishna consciousness.

 For details please contact-

Vishnupadi dasi Ph.836-1214

Gaura Yoga Centre
First floor
175, Vivian Street,

Phone:  (04) 801-5500

Learn about the Krishna conscious life-style
Learn Yoga
Learn about Vegetarianism
...all in a non-threatening friendly atmosphere.

Contact us:

Subscribe to newsletter:

Sunday Love Feasts - contact your local temple, or community for details

Harinaam Kirtan and Bhajans in Tauranga BOP.
Every Saturday in the Red Square by the Strand (or Mt. Maunganui)

Come and join the throng 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

...for more details contact Trivikrama dasa (for Trivikram prabhu)

Vegetarian Clubs
Waikato University - Hamilton campus

2 days per week serving about 100 plates each day.

for more information contact Mangala Vaishnava dasa

Auckland Veda club.
Auckland University - Wellesley St. campus

Its a simple weekly program thats been running for a few years, at Clubspace,
where we have a vegetarian prasadam lunch and sometimes show a video.
Srila Prabhupada's books are available to browse or buy.

For more information contact Auckland temple:

Otago University - Dunedin - Vege Club
Room 2., Clubs & Societies Building
Albany St.,

contact Jambavati dasi (03) 477 8277



See more about Food For Life and how you can help HERE:

 268., Karangahape Road., Auckland

Delicious hot inexpensive Vegetarian Meals !

Pure Vegetarian Restaurant

$5 Combo Meal

Open Mon-Fri 11am-7.30pm

Sat 11am-2.30pm

Phone (09) 300 7585


Seven hundred plates of free prasadam (food offered to the Lord) were distributed to an appreciative public and to 50 devotees who took part in a central city Harinam (chanting in the streets).

Nimananda das and his wife Suchitra devi dasi, Organisers of the Food for Life Restaurant in Auckland City, celebrated Srila Prabhupada’s 108th Birthday, by following the request of their spiritual master, Tamal Krisna Goswami, to distribute prasadam to the public.They have been performing this act of charity regularly for 19 years in Fiji, Wellington and now Auckland.

Come Hungry and Bring a Friend.

11am – 8.00pm from Monday to Friday, and on Saturdays 11am – 3.00pm

Catering for Students, shoppers, office workers, and the needy.

All will find full satisfaction for the body, mind and soul
(09) 300 7585.

Saturday Evenings at “Food for Life” from 4.00pm to 6.00pm.
Come along to join in an evening of Chanting,
Philosophy and a Vegetarian Dinner.

On alternate Monday nights H.H. Mukunda Goswami will be present to speak and answer your questions.

Phone Food for Life, 268 Karangahape Road (K-rd), Auckland, for more information, (09) 300 7585

Higher Taste
Amazing Vegetarian Cuisine At Down to Earth Prices!

Organic Fruit Juices
Delicious Curries
$ 5.95
$ 7.95
$ 9.95

Hare Krishna Higher Taste Restaurant
Level 1 Will Bank Court 57 Willis St Wellington

 Phone: 0-4-472 2233

New CD of Bhaktivinoda Thakur bhajans

by Ashok Krishna das and Syamabiharini dasi

By the mercy of Guru, Gauranga and Radha Krishna, (after our first bhajan album Bhajanamrtam) we have managed to produce a new CD entitled "Bhaktivinoda", a collection of bhajans of Saccidananda Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur and other Vaisnava acaryas in Orissi classical ragas.

The CD includes 8 bhajans and a 12-page booklet with all lyrics and a translation of the songs:
Gurudeva! Kabe Mora Sei Din Habe
Hari Hari, Kabe More Hoibe Sudina
Kabe Sri Caitanya More
Narada Muni
Janama Saphala Ta'ra
Brajendranadana, Bhaje Jei Jana
Kabe Ha'be Bolo

Price, inclusive of shipping, is 15 Euros per CD. If you want to order this CD, please transfer the amount to the following account (and send us your shipping address by mail or email):

Account number 3125628, Ashok Jagram, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Bank details: Postbank, Foreign operations, P.O. Box 1800, 1000 BV Amsterdam [Swiftcode: PSTB NL2]

For more information, email us: or

Check out this amazing new Krishna conscious music CD

by Navayauvana dasa ACBSP in Holland

Rasa Productions
The Musik of Bhakti Rasa dasa

Welcome to the world of
Indian Art Music

Here you will learn about the features of this glorious and sophisticated form of music.
You will also meet here with two of its most authentic and senior practitioners,
who are at once concert performers, scholars, composers and teachers --

Please find the Nokia Hare Krishna Ringtone code
at the ISKCON Ahmedabad website at

Bollywood and Hindi and English "do it yourself" ringtones for cell phones

Practicing Krishna Consciousness at Home:

See your local groups of devotees and see how you can do it too

East Meets West @ "The Loft"
Enjoy an enlightening time associating with energetic devotees. Explore the similarities of ancient and modern surroundings through Krishna consciousness in a friendly non-threatening atmosphere.

Wellington Loft (Gaura Yoga centre)

Christchurch Loft
Hanuman dasa:

The Loft - Auckland

First Floor, 103 Beach Road,
Auckland City

ph (09) 379-7301

Brisbane Loft (Brisbane Australia)
2nd floor
99 Elizabeth St, City

ph 3379 7307

Sydney Temple (Aus) Shop On-line:

Subscribe to Sydney's E-newsletter –
and Streaming MP3 classes and music –

more options in the marketplace HERE:

Sydney temple:

Australian yatra: (...across the ditch )

...the site for Shaligram, Govardhan, Dwaraka and Tadiya shilas and Their Sevaks
Why not come on in for Cyber-darshan

There's so many new participants (GBCs, Gurus, Sannyasis, et al), new incredible pic's, capturing and enlivening articles and stories, pilgrimage diaries - check it out - believe me you won't be disappointed.

Thousands of Salagrams, Govardhan, Dwarka shilas from ALL over the world.

READ Salagram kosha on-line.......
 Hari Bhakti Vilas segments
 Padma Purana
 Garuda Purana


mirrored @

Visit the Site and join our Quarterly Newsletter:

If you'd like to send in an article, picture(s), story or experience with Shilas please send it to me:

last updated 18th January 2005

- HEALTHY ISSUES - Ayurveda:-
Visit Vaidya Yolande Manson's Ayurvedic practice - in Hamilton:

dhanvantaris cha bhagavan svayam eva kirtir
namna nrnam pururujam ruja asu hanti
yajne cha bhagam amrtayur avavarundha
ayusya vedam anusasty avatirya loke

"The Lord in His incarnation of Dhanvantari very quickly cures the diseases of the ever diseased living entities simply by His fame personified and only because of Him do the demigods achieve long lives. Thus the Personality of Godhead becomes ever glorified. He also exacted a share from the sacrifices, and it is He only who inaugurated the medical science or the knowledge of medicine in the universe." (Srimad Bhagavata Purana 2.7.22 )

Receive the Waikato Ayurveda Group Newsletter
5a Bader Street, Hamilton, New Zealand
ph +64-7-843-5566, fax +64-7-843-3974

Got health challenges...........???
Please contact me!

Radiance Ayurveda
(...and or Receive the Waikato Ayurvedic Group newsletter)

Visit Vaidya Yolande Manson's Ayurvedic practice - in Hamilton:

Dr. Pratap Chauhan - Social Welfare through Ayurveda - Faridabad India

See our marketplace link off the main index:

This material world is described as padam padam yad vipadäm,
which means that at every step there is danger.
Please be a little careful - everything is not always as it seems in the Matrix:

Sun Protection: Slip slop slap wrap

Sunsmart -

NZ Cancer Society

Sun protection @ work

Summer Season Fire Safety

Water Safety,,8006-1844782,00.html

Out-door activities Safety

On-line Safety

Kids - Be Safe On-line:

New Zealand and Tsunamis - not to be forgotten:

What are Tsunamis - how they appear - warnings:

Do you have any services or products to advertise here for FREE ?

If you have any news, events, functions, deals, etc., that you would like to share with members of the greater Vaishnava community then please do so by sending what you have to us, we can pass them on in the next newsletter

Sacred Vegetarian Recipes - Prasadam

World Vegetarian Day 1st October each year

World Vegetarian Awareness Month - October

see what's already happening this year

See our World Vegetarian Day issue of the newsletter for a wide range of Vegetarian issues

Vege update:
Social scientists and law enforcement officials have identified animal abuse as a symptom of emotional illness and a precursor to violent crimes against human beings. To allow individuals guilty of perpetrating such cruel acts to go unpunished or not sufficiently punished would be to sanction these horrific crimes and would permit them to go on to possibly commit violent crimes against humans.

The Animal Spirit Newsletter - Issue #2 -  4/21/03-4/27/03

Making Food Sacred - Offering our food to Krishna:
....excerpt from lecture by HDG Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada - Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.3.1-3 -- San Francisco, March 28, 1968

The Vedic literature says like this, that God has no leg, no hand. Therefore the impersonalists take advantage of it. "Oh, here it is stated God has no legs, no hands." But the next line is, javana grhita: "He can accept everything which you offer Him in devotion."

Now how He can accept? If He has no hand, how He can accept things from us? That means He hasn't got a hand like us. His hand is different. Therefore even though He is situated in the spiritual world, which is far, far away from us, still, He says in the Bhagavad-gita, it is said,

patram puspam phalam toyam
yo me bhaktya prayacchati
tad aham bhakty-upahrtam
asnami prayatatmanah

Krsna says that "A little flower or little water or a little leaf, whatever My devotee offers Me in love and devotion, I accept it." And tad aham bhakty-upahrtam. "And because he has brought it with great devotion, therefore I eat." Tad aham bhakty-upahrtam asnami. Asnami means "I eat." Now you can say, "All right, I'll offer these fruits and flower to God, but it is the same. It is remaining. How He is eating?" But His eating is not like my eating, because He hasn't got a body like this. This body is material. If you bring me a plate of fruits, this body immediately swallows it. But He has got spiritual body. He eats... Simply as soon as He knows that you have offered it in devotion, He eats immediately.

Go here to follow the simple system for offering foodstuffs to the Lord
... and always with the Magic ingredient - Offer it to Krishna.....
... with L'n D (love and devotion)

Cooking for Krishna

Why do we offer our food to God before eating?

Pure Vegetarianism - booklet from Food For Life Global FREE

Download your FREE  EGGLESS Cake Recipe Cookbook
 - with 100 EGGLESS recipes

EgglessDotCom - A site for vegetarian baking without eggs.


Ekadasi Book Cooking - new book coming:

Ekadasi Recipes - preps without grains or beans etc:

Vrata ka khaana - Fast Foods cook book 4 sale (all ekadasi preps - some samples here):

Fast Food of a Different Kind:

Non-vegetarian aditives and non-ekadasi food aditives list:

Meat Free Zone:

A Guide to Gourmet Vegetarian Cooking and a Karma-Free Diet:


(even Parmesan and other favorites)
Not just cheeses also vegetarian yogurts and other dairy produce.

Tararua Lite Sour Cream for Vegetarians hits the shelves Sept 1st 2004.

(we bought some Stilton, Parmesan, Edam, Swiss and a few others - LOL - you have to check out these pages and then go to your Woolworths, Countdown, Foodtown, Pak'nSav, New World or local Deli.....believe me it's worth it, especially the Tuxford range; Cheshire, Red Leicester, Double Gloucester, Wensleydale varieties from the UK  =>:-))) updated to help you

updated 16th Sept 2004

All the Meatless Pasta preparations you'd like to prepare:

The Meatrix - this you have to see to believe - take the red pill see reality - The Meatrix it's all around you:

Allow the Meatrix to download fully before attempting to observe.............

These recipes are specifically used in the Brahma-Madhwa Vaishnava community for shaaka haara vrata - first month of Chaturmasya where one fasts from Greem leafy vegetables - spinach:

Vegan and Vegetarian recipes 

Tamarind Rice (Huli Chitranna)
Tamarind water-1/2 cup
Chana dal-1 tbsp
Peanuts - 2 tbsp
Curry leaves- 20
red chillies - 3

Make mustard or jeera vaggarini(vagar) and add peanuts, chanadal, turmeric, a pinch of hing. As the dal and peanuts turns brown add tamarind water, curry leaves, red chillies, salt and allow it to boil until it thickens into a paste. To this paste mix the cooked rice(2 cups) .

Other version of chitranna: Everything is same except that you add Saaru pudi and jaggery and add only one red chilli(if needed).

Rasam Powder (Saru pudi)

Coriander seeds (Dhania) -1 cup
Cumin seeds - 1/4 cup
15-20 red chillis
Black Pepper - 1/4 cup

Dry roast the above ingredients and grind it.

Hoorna Holige (Puran Poli)
Hoorna (pooran) Ingredients and Method:
The method is simple.
To 1 cup of cooked chana dal add 3/4 cup of jaggery.
Add roasted cashews and raisin (roasted in ghee).
Add Dry coconut and mix it well .
Add a tsp of cardamom powder.

2 cups of pressure cooked chana dal
2 cups of sugar
1/4 cup of grated dry coconut
2 cups of maida (white flour)
1/2 cup of oil
water (approximately 1/4 cup)
1/2 tsp of turmeric

1.Remove the water from the cooked chana dal.(You can use that water for Kattu saaru)Mash the cooked chana dal thoroughly. Transfer the mashed stuff to a non-stick cooking pan and put it on a medium set stove. Add sugar and coconut and mix it well. Allow it to boil and allow it thicken. Once it gets thickened allow it to cool. Make small balls out of it.

2.Meanwhile, make a poli dough by taking maida(all purpose flour), turmeric, and oil. Add water bit by bit until it forms into a soft dough. It should be soft and a bit oily.

3.Heat the griddle or tava(pan) on the stove top. Take a small ball size dough and roll it. Take puran(hoorna) ball and stuff it in the dough and seal it. Dust the dough with rice flour and start rolling it. Roll it nicely and place it on a pan.Pour 1 tsp of ghee onto it. Flip it over and allow it to get cooked thoroughly. Roughly it will take about 3-5 min for each poli.
While serving apply a tsp of ghee.(Forget about the fat! )

Jhoonka - It is a North Karnataka dish.
 Buttermilk/water - 4 cup(32 oz)
 Besan - 1/4 cup
 green chillies - 2 to 3
 cilantro - (coriander) one handful
 curry leaves - 15-20
 salt to taste
 vegetables like:
         Potatoes in combo with Tomatoes - 2 cups
         Indian eggplant in combo with tomato - 2 cups

 Cook the required vegetables in a pan. If using buttermilk, Churn and keep it aside. Add besan to the buttermilk and blend it well.
 Pour this into a pan. Allow it boil. It gets thickened a little bit.
 Goes well with rotis and even rice.

KodBale - nibbler
3 cups of rice flour
1 cup of maida
2 tsps of chilli powder
1/2 cup of freshly grated coconut
salt to taste
a pinch of hing

Make a dough by mixing all the above ingredients with water. Add 1 tbsp of oil while mixing. Dough should be pliable enough to work on. Heat the oil in the frying pan(kadai). Take a small ball size of dough and roll it with your palm. roll evenly and it should not be too thin. Coil it and deep fry it. Remove them as they turn to a brown color. fry them in a medium heat.

Ingredients and Method:
1 cup of soaked moong dal/chana dal
1/4 cup of fresh grated coconut and grated cucumber
green chillies (finely chopped) - 1 to 2
1 tbsp of lime juice
2 tbsps of finely chopped cilantro  (coriander leaf)
salt to taste

Mix all the above ingredients in a salad bowl and pour vagar (saasvi vaggarini) onto it.

Shavigi Paayasam - "sweet rice"

Ingredients and Method:

Please refer to vermicelli paayasa.The only difference is for naivedyas, we use home made shaavigi and not the commercial one's. If you do not have home made shaavigi, you still can use commercial ones that are available, as your aim is to please our loving God.

Vermicelli Paayasa (shaavigi Paayasa)
2 cups of roasted vermicelli (roasted in a tbsp of ghee)
1 and 3/4 cup of sugar
1/2 tsp of saffron threads
1 and 1/2 tsp of cardamom powder
2 tbsp of cashews
2 tbsp of raisins
4 cups of whole milk/2% milk

Roast cashews and raisins in a tsp of ghee and keep it aside. Pour required amount of milk and allow it to boil. To the boiled milk add roasted vermicelli. Once the vermicelli gets cooked in the milk, add sugar. Then add roasted cashews, raisins, ground cardamom, and saffron threads. Allow it to boil and serve it warm or cold.

Moong Dal Paayasa (Hesara Bele Paayasa)
2 cups of pressure cooked moong dal; Roast the dry dal in a ghee and then cook it.
1 and 3/4 cup of sugar
1/2 tsp of saffron threads
1 and 1/2 tsp of cardamom powder
2 tbsp of cashews
2 tbsp of raisins
2 to 3 cloves
1/2 cup of whole milk/2% milk

Roast cashews and raisins in a tsp of ghee and keep it aside. To the cooked dal, add sugar and milk and keep it on a medium set flame and allow it to boil. Add 2 to 3 cloves. Then add roasted cashews, raisins, ground cardamom, and saffron threads. Allow it to boil and serve

Patisa (Soan Papdi)
1 1/4 cup gramflour
1 1/4 cup plain flour (maida)
250 gms. ghee
2 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cup water
2 tbsp. milk
1/2 tsp. cardamom seeds crushed coarsely
2 tsp. Charmagaz paste: Seed mixture - muskmelon, watermelon, pumpkin, cucumber seeds in equal quantites.
4" squares cut from a thin polythene sheet

Sift both flours together.
Heat ghee in a heavy saucepan.
Add flour mixture and roast on low till light golden.
Keep aside to cool a little, stirring occasionally.
Prepare syrup simultaneously.
Make syrup out of sugar, water and milk as shown in introduction.
Bring syrup to 2 1/2 thread consistency.
Pour at once into the flour mixture.
Beat well with a large fork till the mixture forms threadlike flakes.
I have seen halowai's in Vrindavan throw onto hooks on the wall and streatch the mizture so it becomes more fibre-glass like.
Pour onto a greased surface or thali and roll to 1" thickness lightly.
Sprinkle the charmagaz seeds and elaichi and gently press down with palm.
Cool, cut into 1" squares, wrap individually into square pieces of thin plastic sheet.
Store in airtight container.

Making time: 45 minutes
Makes: 20 pieces (approx.)
Shelflife: 2 weeks (yeah right, not around our house...)

Dessert Lasagne
Third Place -- Dessert Category
Search for "America's Signature Pasta Recipes" Contest
Serves 8 (hahaha)
12 pieces lasagne
4 cups ricotta cheese
1 cup sugar, divided
8 kiwis, peeled
4 cups strawberries, washed and trimmed, 8 reserved for garnishing
4 cups blackberries, washed
1/2 cup toasted, sliced almonds
Mint sprigs, to garnish

Cook the pasta according to package directions. Rinse, drain and set aside.

In a medium bowl, stir together the ricotta cheese and 1/2 cup sugar. Set aside.

In the food processor, puree 4 kiwis with 2 tablespoons sugar. Transfer the puree to a bowl and set it aside. Rinse the processor bowl.

In the processor, puree half the strawberries with 2 tablespoons sugar. Strain the puree into a bowl and set it aside. Rinse the processor bowl.

In the processor, puree half the blackberries with 2 tablespoons sugar. Strain the puree and set it aside.

Slice the kiwis into 1/4-inch thick rounds. Slice the strawberries into 1/8-inch thick pieces. Slice the blackberries in half.

Reserve 1/4 cup of each of the purees to use as a garnish when serving.

To assemble the lasagne, first cover the bottom of a 9-inch-by-13-inch glass baking pan with 3 pieces of pasta. Spoon 1/3 of the ricotta on top and spread it evenly. Pour the kiwi puree over the cheese and arrange the kiwi slices on the puree. Lay on 3 more pieces of pasta and cover with 1/2 the remaining cheese. Pour the strawberry puree over the cheese and sprinkle with sliced strawberries. Lay on 3 more pieces of pasta and cover with the remaining cheese. Pour the blackberries puree over the cheese and sprinkle with blackberries. Top with a final layer of pasta. Cover tightly with plastic and refrigerate overnight.

Just before serving, sprinkle the lasagne with the remaining 2 tablespoons sugar and with the toasted almonds. Cut into 8 rectangles and use a spatula to set the pieces on dessert plates. Decorate the plates with dots of reserved purees. Garnish each piece of lasagne with a strawberry and a sprig of mint.

Vege update:
Social scientists and law enforcement officials have identified animal abuse as a symptom of emotional illness and a precursor to violent crimes against human beings. To allow individuals guilty of perpetrating such cruel acts to go unpunished or not sufficiently punished would be to sanction these horrific crimes and would permit them to go on to possibly commit violent crimes against humans.

The Animal Spirit Newsletter - Issue #2 -  4/21/03-4/27/03

Higher Taste cook book FREE on-line

All the Meatless Pasta preparations you'd like to prepare:
(some need some adjustment, as they contain onion and garlic)

Different Shapes of pasta:

OVER 100 EGGLESS CAKE recipes can be found on our Main index and
on many other pages at:

Visit our Award winning site - Vegetarianism & Beyond
Interesting articles - information - history - arguments - links............ (been re-vamped) fact everything you want to know about Vegetarianism and Beyond:
... last updated 1st October 2004

Nutrition and Health - vitamins, a balanced diet, through prasadam:

Vegetarian Update - newsletter from NZ Vegetarian Socity in Wellington:

“If anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat.
That’s the single most important thing you could do. It’s staggering when you think about it.
Vegetarianism takes care of so many things in one shot: ecology, famine, cruelty.”
--Sir Paul McCartney


Check out heaps of information on Vegetarianism, Prasadam-ism,
download books, Vegetarian Recipe programs, and more.


Points of View
I don't know if Shel was actually a vegetarian or not, but he did do some pro-veg works like the following:

Thanksgiving dinner's sad and thankless,
Christmas dinner's dark and blue,
When you stop and try to see it
From the turkey's point of view.

Sunday dinner isn't funny
Easter feasts are just bad luck,
When you see it from the viewpoint
Of the chicken or the duck.

Oh, how I once loved tuna salad,
Pork and lobsters, lamb chops, too,
Till I stopped and looked at dinner
From the dinner's point of view.

Shel Silverstein - song writer (he wrote all Dr Hook and medicine show's lyrics)

A Beginners Guide to Vegetarianism:

How Mary and Frank and Friends Eat - very nice Vegetarian pages:

Vegetarian recipes:

101 Reasons Why I'm a Vegetarian:

Healthy Indian Vegetarian Cooking Recipes:

Excellent "Meat Substitute" recipes

Hundreds of Vegetarian recipes

Fat-free vegetarian meals:
A lot of inspiring Vegetarian preparations here, some have onion and garlic in,
so replace that with hing or omit that altogether as you see fit, still this page is well worth a serious look for ideas.


"You Mean That's in theBible" - expose on meat eating:

Religious Stands on Vegetarianism

Vaishnavism - Hinduism - Jainism
Christianity - Bible - Book of Morman - 7th Day Adventist
- oxymoron of the yuga:

Protect both our species, two-legged and four-legged. Both food and water for their needs supply.
May they with us increase in stature and strength. Save us from hurt all our days, O Powers!

Rig Veda Samhita 10.37.11.

Download one of Bhakti Rasa prabhu's songs for FREE
"Don't Eat Your Friends" (It Ain't Nice)

and visit Bhakti Rasa prabhu's site:

Check out Kurma prabhu's new web-site:

check out what he's doing during October 2004

XMAS Recipes @
We wish you a Vege Xmas...and a Hari new year.

Wellington Vegetarian Society' Newsletters

You'll also notice that we have a book sale of our Living a Good Life book, and it is ideal for vegetarian families - it covers pregnancy, childcare and the teen years, not to mention adults and the elderly.  We've just reprinted more copies as a result of recent demand, and these are selling well, with the proceeds going to vegetarian products including a farm animal sanctuary down our way.

The book "Living a Good Life" normally selling at $21.95 is now going at the $14.95 price which lasts until just after Xmas, although we could consider extending it if anyone were to approach us after them with this reference.


Auckland's New Zealand Vegetarian Society
....has a myriad of excellent books for sale on vegetarianism

see their mention on our 2004 events

Vegetarian and Vegetarian Friendly Restaurants throughout New Zealand

Play the new Diamond Jubilee Vegan Game - Spot The Vegan

Challenge a friend to - Spot The Vegan

How did you do?

According to recent communications with ChelseaSugar group - NZ Sugars their Sugars are now free from "Bone Char" bleaching process and so devotees can again use and offer White Sugar safely.

See more details HERE

As of last week in November 2003 Yopliat the yogurt people now put gelatine in their products
See here for pointers of okay ones

McDeath - the facts about Ronnie McDonalds:

Meet your Meat FREECDRoms
This is a must for those who live in the illusion of animal killing is somehow acceptable or humane.

I have converted the "Meet your Meat" video into a CD rom & will send a copy of it for free to anyone with a Cd burner & a pledge to make at least 4 copies to give to their meat eating friends.

Meet your meat - shocking live footage of the TRUTH in the meat industry:

This is the new version
I sent out a total of over 750 CD's last year to 60 different countries. My goal in 2003 is to double that number.
I would appreciate if you would forward this message to your readers.
Anyone willing to participate, please forward my mailing address as


Vegetarians BEWARE of Orange Softdrinks
Coca-Cola (manufacturer) - Not suitable for vegetarians; lists the following products as not vegetarian
These products contain traces of fish gelatine, which are used as a stabiliser for beta-carotene colour.

Fanta Orange
Diet Fanta Orange
Lilt Pineapple & Grapefruit
Diet Lilt Pineapple & Grapefruit

Soft Drinks - Some canned Orange drinks use gelatine as a carrier for added Beta Caratine.
(This would not appear on the ingredients panel).
(Text PAMHO:5891790) ---------------------------------------

According to recent communications with Chelsea Sugar group - NZ Sugars their Sugars are now free from "Bone Char" bleaching process and so devotees can again use and offer White Sugar safely.

See more details HERE

As of last week in November 2003 Yopliat the yogurt people now put gelatine in their products
See here for pointers of okay ones

 Krishna Conscious - Vedikly acceptable Jokes

Healing with humour: Taking better care of ourselves  =>;-))
Visit our Hasya Rasa pages

Laughter Therapy - its no joke:

FOR YOUR INTEREST: This one is not a joke but I thought you might like to know. These are the names of Lord Caitanya taken from the book "Sri Caitanya Sahasra Nama Stotra", i.e. "A Thousand Names of Lord Caitanya" by Srila Kavi Karnapura (as translated by HG Kusakratha Prabhu from the Krsna Institute)...

        So Lord Caitanya is known as the one:

 - hasya-kari  &  hasya-yuk  ==> who laughs & jokes

 - hasya-priya  ==> who is fond of joking

 - hasya-nagara ==> who is the hero of those expert in speaking joking words

 - hasya-grami  &  hasya-kara  ==> is expert at joking

 - pushpa-hasa  ==> whose smile & laugh are as charminng as flowers.

Lord Gauranga's smiling & laughing qualities ki...

                                                ys Radhe Govinda dasa

P.S. One of the qualities of Srimati Radharani is that she is very expert in the art of joking.

This is a MUST READ =>;-Q

Four Wives parable:

Two cows are standing next to each other in a field. Daisy says to Buttercup: "I was artificially inseminated this morning."

"I don't believe you," said Buttercup.

"It's true, no bull!"


"Now remember boys and girls," said the science teacher.    "You can tell a tree's age by counting the rings in a cross section. One ring for each year."

Alec went home for dinner and found they were having a jelly roll for dessert. "I'm not eating that, Mom," he said, "It's five years old!"

Scientists have finally figured out what is wrong with mankind.
The problem lies in the two halves of their brains - the left and the right.
The left half has nothing right in it. And the right half has nothing left in it!

Did you ever wonder?
A guy was on trial for murder and if convicted, would get the electric chair. His brother found out that a redneck was on the jury and figured he would be the one to bribe. He told the redneck that he would be paid $10,000 if he could convince the rest of the jury to reduce the charge to manslaughter.

The jury was out an entire week and returned with a verdict of manslaughter.

After the trial, the brother went to the redneck's home, told him what a great job he had done and paid him the $10,000.

The redneck replied that it wasn't easy to convince the rest of the jury to change the charge to manslaughter. They all wanted to let him go.

Thanx Shyam'

Route finders are fantastic. They save so much time and effort. Try this to see what I mean:

1. Go to

2. In the Start section, select "Norway" from the list box and enter
"Haugesund" into the "City" field

3. In the End section, select "Norway" from the list box and enter
 "Trondheim" into the "City" field

4. Click on "Get Directions" ...

 Well done Microsoft.

sent in by Shyam'...hope you made it home okay

George W. Bush's simple explanation for France's economic
decline: "the French trouble is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur."

Teacher : "Which is more important to us, the Sun or the Moon?"
Pupil : "The Moon".
Teacher : "Why?"
Pupil : "The Moon gives us light at night when we need it, but the Sun gives us light only in the day time when we don't need it".

The ways of this material world - strange but true


"Mr. Banta Singh, I have reviewed this case very carefully," the divorce court judge said, "...and I've decided to give your wife $775 a week."

"That's  very fair, your honour, thank you" the husband said. "....And every now and then I'll  try to send her a few bucks myself."

What's the difference between your boss and the bus?
Sometimes you miss the bus.

Two medical students were walking along the street when they saw an old man walking with his legs spread apart. One of the students said to his friend: "I'm sure he has Petry Syndrome. Those people walk just like that." The other student says: "No, I don't think so. The old man surely has Zovitzki Syndrome. He walks just as we learned in class." Since they couldn't agree they decided to ask the old man. They approached the old man and one of the students said to him: "We're medical students and couldn't help but notice the way you walk, but we couldn't agree on the syndrome you might have. Could you tell us what it is?" The old man said: "I'll tell you, but first you'll tell me what you think." One of the students said: "I think it's Petry Syndrome." The old man said: "You thought.......... but you're wrong." Then the other student said: "I think you have Zovitzki Syndrome." The old man said: "You thought.......... but you're wrong." So they asked him: "Well, what do you have?" And the old man said: "I thought I needed to pass air........... but I was wrong."

The moral to this story.........

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." Forest Gump.

A man walked into a bar with his alligator and asked the bartender, "Do you serve lawyers here?". "Sure do," replied the bartender. "Good," said the man.
"Give me a beer, and I'll have a lawyer for my 'gator."

Reader comment......and make it snappy

An elderly lady went to see her physician about a problem she was having. After an examination, the doctor told her that she needed a sigmoidoscope to check her lower intestine. He began the examination, telling her to let him know if she felt pain. Well the doctor's efforts brought forth a tremendous amount of gas in her stomach that she expelled with a very loud fart.

"Madam!" the doctor exclaimed, "A simple "yes" or "no" will suffice.

A Sunday school teacher was  telling her class the story of the Good Samaritan, in which a man was beaten,  robbed and left for dead.
She described the situation in vivid detail so her students would catch the drama.

Then, she asked the class, "If you saw  a person lying on the roadside, all wounded and bleeding, what would you do?"

A thoughtful little girl broke the hushed silence, "I think I'd throw up."

.......and always remember (don't forget...)


Please Try our little Colour Test - Right Brain vs Left Brain:

You might like to check out Krishna-conscious jokes -
Also check out the Humour section of the Main Index:

A Grateful Word to our Supporters

to all the readers who have one way or another subscribed to N.Z.H.K.S.R.Network.
Your interest and support makes this work possible.

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