last updated 15th October 2006
by HG Janananda das ACBSP
Dear Prabhus Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
How things change in time. 40 years ago almost exactly, I went on a school outing to Berlin. At that time Germany and Berlin were divided into east and west THE BERLIN WALL a sign of denial of human freedom of fear and oppression. Even during our few days stay in Berlin we could hear gun shots as people were trying to cross the wall. Whilst driving though East Germany we were escorted and had to travel in a convoy. Searches at every border. Now USA “THE LAND OF THE FREE” has become “THE LAND OF FEAR” and intensive search as you try to enter in. The United Kingdom is also becoming a place of intense insecurity. As the wave of Terrorism sweeps the globe nowhere is safe. Not that they ever were, but if you did have that conception it’s probably going pretty quick.. DUKHALAYAM ASASVATAM a dangerous, temporary place full of suffering. Well as long as we think sense gratification is the goal of life we will get our misery in one form or another.
It is strange however that now many of the eastern European countries formerly under heavy communist control are free and easy as you travel through.
Newcastle our old stomping ground (we were there at the start of the first Newcastle centre.) Balarama’s appearance day. Drama on Prabhupada’s mission and sweet reciprocations with the small band of sincere devotees preaching and living here. After three ecstatic days in Newcastle the flight to Berlin was a bit of an ordeal. That morning the UK airports were in panic mode. Many suspected terrorists had just been arrested and all flights were on hold, cancelled or highly monitored. Flying from the small airport of Newcastle we got away lightly. Still there were search after search and you couldn’t even take water, notebooks, pens or bead-bags on the planes. Only your ticket, money and passport were allowed and spectacles (without the case).
It was worth it, as the Berlin Rathayatra was a glorious event. Hundreds of devotees from around Germany, Czech and a few other places gathered in front of the famous old ruins of the church in central Berlin a reminder of the 2nd world war bombing. Sacinandana Swami, Kavicandra Maharaja, Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, Prthu prabhu were all there leading kirtan and lecturing. It was very enlivening to see such a lively and happy spirit amongst the German devotees. Although the Berlin wall came down years ago peoples ego walls are higher than ever. By witnessing the roaring of the holy names, the wonderful dancing, the blissful smiling of Lord Jagannatha and the towering chariot it’s easy to see the walls around the soul being dismantled. The change is taking place as we see German people in the streets smiling waving and joining in.
For some time Panca Tattva prabhu one of the senior Czech brahmacaris had been asking me to come to Czech Republic, so we took the opportunity. It was well worth the while. Non stop chanting and hearing from temple to temple, park to park, street to street on Harinama. Prague perhaps the most exciting place in the west for street sankirtan. Crowded arcades all pedestrian. We stop and hundreds gather around listening attentively to short speeches and dramas about Krishna consciousness. They raise their hands with us and chant Hare.. Krishna.Hare Krishna …
In Montreal in 1969 Srila Prabhupada lectured: “So this process of chanting Hare Krsna, if we do it very nicely… Nicely does not mean that we have to become a very nice musician or very artistic singer. No. Very nicely means sincerely and with great attention. The process is the highest yoga system. This transcendental vibration, if you simply concentrate your mind on the vibration “Hare Krsna…” Other kinds of yoga system is not possible in this age. You cannot meditate on a particular subject matter because mind is so agitating and changing that you try to fix up your mind on a particular subject matter, but mind flickers from one subject to another, another, to another. Then it becomes something else. But this vibration is so nice that even if your mind is flickering, the sound will force you to, I mean to say, draw your attention. “Hare Krsna.” So therefore… And it is very easy. For other sort of meditation, you have to learn how to sit down, how to fix up your body. You have to select a nice place, a solitary place, a purified place. You have to sit down in a certain posture. So many things. Those things are not possible at the present age because we are so much disturbed by the present atmosphere, everyone. Just like this morning you have news that the Russians have captured Czechoslovakia. How much distressed they are. I heard from the newspaper that several of them were crying. So this is the position. Padam padam yad vipadam [SB 10.14.58]. Every step, there is danger. The material conditional life is so obscure that every step. Therefore the first-class process of yoga is this bhakti-yoga. Simply you turn your attention to this vibration and chant it according to your capacity. It does not require any pre-education. Prahläda Mahäräja said yathä manisam. Yathä manisam means “as far as it is in my power.” So you can chant Hare Krsna as far as in your power. That means you can chant whenever it is possible. It is not that you have to go to a temple on a particular time and chant. No. While you are walking, you can chant Hare Krsna. Practically we see, when we pass on the street, some of the children, seeing us, say, “Hare Krsña. Hare Krsna.” Even the children, they can also chant. It is so nice thing. Because they have no convention. So this chanting Hare Krsna will give him some effect. Yathä manisam sarvätmanä. Then guna-visargam anupravisthah. This vibration, as soon as enters within your mind, anupravisthah, because this vibration is absolute, there is no difference between Krsna and His name. So Krsna is always within you. God is always within you as the Supersoul. So this transcendental sound immediately reminds you, so you become immediately connected. And it is said that those who are engaged in such yoga system, bhakti-yoga system… Srnvatäm sva kathäh krsnah punya sravana-kirtanah [SB 1.2.17]. This chanting vibration is so nice that at least you become pious. Punya sravana-kirtana. Anyone who hears, he becomes purified. Punya sravana-kirtana. Hrdy antah sthah. And the Supreme Lord Paramätmä, Supersoul, is within you. As soon as you begin chanting, then hrdy antah stho hy abhadräni. Abhadräni means all dirty things that you have accumulated birth after birth, due to this material contamination… Hrdy antah stho hy abhadräni vidhunoti. Vidhunoti. Vi means “particularly,” and dhunoti, “washes.” Suhrt satäm. Because He’s always our friend. God is always our friend. We do not know that. That is the difficulty. We have lost our friendship with God, and we are trying to make friendship with this and that, with this and that. That is the cause of disturbance in the world. They are trying for establishing peace in the world, but they do not know what is the method of establishing peace.”
Prague has three restaurants run by ISKCON devotees. Not far from the city is a small farm where about 20 devotees stay. The weather can be really harsh in the winter minus 20 degrees centigrade. It’s tough to farm but they are getting it together somehow or other. They grow lots of wheat, peas, buckwheat, honey and whatever else they can in the short summer growing season. A small herd of Cows and bulls produce milk and plough the land. They manage by producing a lot of prasadam biscuits (using farm wheat) and chidwa (using the peas from the farm)
Prabhupada talked about a Czech farm in a conversation in 1977. Prabhupäda: No luxuries. Live very simple life and you save time for chanting Hare Krsna. Hamsadüta: Yes, Prabhupäda. Prabhupäda: That is my desire. Don’t waste time for bodily comforts. You have got this body. You have to eat something. You have to cover yourself. So produce your own food and produce your own cloth. Don’t waste time for luxury, and chant Hare Krsna. This is success of life. In this way organize as far as possible, either in Ceylon or in Czechoslovakia, wherever… Save time. Chant Hare Krsna. Don’t be allured by the machine civilization. Hamsadüta: Yes, Prabhupäda.
Prabhupäda: This is soul-killing civilization, this kind way of life, especially European countries. Anywhere you can inhabit it. It is not very difficult. A cottage; you can produce your own food anywhere. Am I right? Hamsadüta: Yes, Prabhupäda. We will do it.
Prabhupäda: And money, spend for Krsna—for Krsna’s palace, for Krsna’s temple, for Krsna’s worship, gorgeous, as gorgeously as… Not for false… This is the human civilization. And to organize this, varnäsrama will help you to divide the society—brähmana, ksatriya, vaisya—as there is division in the body. That will help. Don’t waste human form of body for sense gratification. I wanted to introduce this. Now I have given you ideas. You can do it. You are all intelligent. For Caitanya Mahäprabhu’s para-upakära. .. So you do good to others. Not exploit others. Any human being who has been bestowed by this body has the capacity to chant Hare Krsna. Give them chance and make situation favorable. Is that clear? —Room Conversation Vrndävana 8 October 1977
For Janmastami and Vyasapuja we drove 7 hours to a small farm in the east of Slovakia. Maybe you don’t even know where Slovakia is? It used to be one country Czechoslovakia. After communism collapsed in these parts, the country was divided into two Czech and Slovakia. Slovakia is a little poorer and harder to maintain. They get fewer devotee visitors. For Janmastami about 70 devotees from all over Slovakia had gathered and were sure enthusiastic for kirtan and lectures. Nearby the farm they successfully run 2 restaurants to help raise funds. The people in the little village where the farm is are very favourable and some come to the programmes. On Janmastami we went out onto the street twice for Harinama in the nearby town and village. We really enjoyed ourselves here, if that’s the right way to put it. “Susukam kartum avyayam “Devotional service should be everlasting and joyfully performed” BG 9.2.
Back to Czech and to Brno, the town where Pancatattva prabhu and 3 other devotees have started a preaching centre. Two days of morning to night kirtans, talks, prasadam and dramas in the streets, the parks and the centre.
Last stop (before flying to India, Vrndavana ) Vienna, “Europe’s famous music centre”, for an interesting Sunday programme in a devotees home. There is no ISKCON centre here although there are quite a few devotees around the city and nearby.
Even in the heart of Europe the magnitude of our task is awesome and unlimited. In every “town and village”. A temple in every home.. we have no time to waste. All our problems will be vanquished if we play our parts in spreading the holy names.
The following is from the third octet of Srila Prabhupada’s poem - Viraha Astakam, referring to his spiritual master.
1) You instructed everyone you met to chant the holy name of Lord Krsna.
You showed the example of continually reciting the maha-mantra into their
2) You empowered everyone with the qualification to further distribute
that holy name But now, by the influence of Maya, there is only darkness
on all sides.
3) The souls who are truly attached to worshiping the Lord always sing
and dance in joyful sankirtana. Following in the footsteps of their spiritual
master, they deliver the whole world.
4) But those who have no such qualification perform nirjana bhajana
or so-called confidential worship in a solitary place. Thus acting whimsically,
all of them actually remain absorbed in personal sense gratification.
5) [As stated in the Srimad Bhagavatam 10.33.30]: “An ordinary soul
should never imitate the activities of the Supreme Lord, even in his mind.”
According to these instructions in devotional service, the unqualified
imitators are ruined.
6) You preached “utility is the principle”—that is, one should act
without attachment and use anything that is deemed appropriate in the devotional
service of the Lord.
7) In such detached devotional service to Lord Krsna there would be
a temple established in every house But now just the opposite situation
is apparent everywhere.
8) O Srila Prabhupada! You personally suffer to see the suffering of
the fallen conditioned souls. On this day of your separation I am utterly
Your servant Janananda das
Here is an excerpt from a work by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura entitled Prabhupader Upadesamrita, a collection of questions and answers, which I found enlightening and especially pertinent to my long struggle:
How wil I be able to recognize a bona fide guru?
When you make judgments based on your own intelligence, that such and such a person is guru, you are in fact projecting the qualities of guru on him. Such a person is never truly the guru. In such cases,you are thinking that the guru is somehow under your control, or within the purview of your sensory knowledge. When Krishna Himself decides to send you someone to act as your spiritual master, that person will be manifest before you as the mahanta-guru.
How will I find a bona fide guru?
The Supreme Lord acts as guru in two ways: as the caitya-guru within the heart, and externally as the mahanta-guru, or pure devotee. If I am sincere, then the Lord reveals the mahanta-guru to me.We can go to a thousand different people with a petition in hand, but until that one person can approve our application approves it, we get nowhere. The Supreme Lord is that person. Why He does or does not approve our request is something we cannot fathom. He is not a field laborer working in our personal garden. We have to be patient and wait. In the meantime, we should prepare ourselves by cultivating a service attitude and trying to eliminate extraneous desires. If we pray sincerely for the Lord's blessing, then He will graciously bless us. Through His grace we will find a bona fide spiritual master.
krsna yadi krpa kare kona bhagyavane
guru-antaryami-rupe sikhaya apane
"Krishna is situated in everyone's heart as the caittya-guru, the spiritual
master within. When He is kind to some fortunate conditioned soul, He personally
gives him lessons so he can progress in devotional service, instructing
the person as the Supersoul within and the spiritual master without."
(Cc Madhya 22.47)
...If we are fortunate, if we truly seek our a genuine guru with complete sincerity and persistence, and if we pray feelingly to the Lord to encounter such a spiritual master, the nthe Lord will surely lead us in this lifetime to a genuine guru by taking shelter of whom we will be able to attain the greatest blessings.
brahmanda bhramite kona bhagyavan jiva
guru-krsna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija
"According to their karma, all living entities are wandering throughout the entire universe. Some of them are being elevated to the upper planetary systems, and some are going down into the lower planetary systems. Out of many millions of wandering living entities, one who is very fortunate gets an opportunity to associate with a bona fide spiritual master by the grace of Krishna. By the mercy of both Krishna and the spiritual master, such a person receives the seed of the creeper of devotional service. (Cc Madhya 19.151)
krsna yadi krpa kare kona bhagyavane
guru-antaryami-rupe sikhaya apane
"Krishna is situated in everyone's heart as the caittya-guru, the spiritual
master within. When He is kind to some fortunate conditioned soul, He personally
gives him lessons so he can progress in devotional service, instructing
the person as the Supersoul within and the spiritual master without."
(Cc Madhya 22.47)
guru krsna-rupa hana sastrera pramane
guru-rupe krsna krpa karena bhakta-gane
According to the deliberate opinion of all revealed scriptures, the spiritual master is nondifferent from Krishna. Lord Krishna in the form of the spiritual master delivers His devotees. (Cc Adi 1.45)
yadyapi amara guru — caitanyera dasa
tathapi janiye ami tanhara prakasa
Although I know that my spiritual master is a servitor of Sri Caitanya, I know Him also as a plenary manifestation of the Lord. (Cc Adi 1.44)
jive sakshat nahi tate guru caittya-rupe
siksha-guru haya krsna-mahanta-svarupe
Since one cannot visually experience the presence of the Supersoul, He appears before us as a liberated devotee. Such a spiritual master is none other than Krishna Himself. (Cc Adi 1.58)
Without receiving transcendental knowledge from a bona fide spiritual master, no one gains eligibility to serve Krishna. Neither (demi) god nor human can give such transcendental knowledge. This is why we have such a great need for a genuine spiritual master.
1.) First let us analyze what our relationship is with Vrndavana and then see how we can develop it. Lord Caitanya explained that these are the five most important aspects in devotional service, which if even a little bit performed, can quickly bring one to the stage of love of God.
sadhu-sanga, nama-kirtana, bhagavata-sravana, mathura-vasa, sri-murtira sraddhaya sevana
One should associate with devotees, chant the holy name of the Lord, hear Srimad-Bhagavatam, reside at Mathura and worship the Deity with faith and veneration.
"Mathura-vasa to reside at Mathura or Vrndavana." So we must become a resident of Vrndavana. We must realize that Vrndavana is our home. Now you are in Czech republic and I am in New Govardhana, Australia. But part of us is always in Vrndavana, because Vrndavana is our home. We are now far away from home in foreign countries Czech or Australia, and even although it may be very nice at times still how can we be fully satisfied it is just not like Vrndavana, being in a foreign country we are always feeling the desire to go back to home. In my passport my "place of residence" is written as: "Vrndavana", I feel quite good about that and consider it auspicious and I hope it will bring me back to that Holy land. No one in Vrndavana, nor man, nor animal ever steps on the footprints of Krsna, which are decorating the fine Yamuna sand. "Its great branches extending from one side to the other, a banyan tree is like a bridge across the Yamuna. Playing on that bridge, again and again the cowherd boys cross from one side to the other". "In one place it had a hollow like a palace. In another place it had a delightful branch like a couch. In another place was a vine-covered branch like a swing. What pastime-place did that banyan tree not provide for Lord Krsna?" Gopal Campu 1.84-85 How can I ever forget Vrndavana?
2.) Another point to remember is that the reason why Vrndavana is so wonderful is because it is the abode of Krsna. It is Krsna that make Vrndavana wonderful and without him, we would not be interested in Vrndavana at all. When Krsna left Vrndavana for Mathura some of the cowherd boys decided to also leave Vrndavana, because there was nothing remaining for them there.
3.) Bhauma Vrndavana, the earthly Vrndavana in this world is non different from the spiritual world. However it is covered with a layer of yoga maya which makes it appear to be a temple village in North India. However the spiritual nature is shining like an effulgence through that covering and although we can not actually perceive the Dhama in its full transcendental glory, still whatever we do perceive is already very inspiring. Prabhupada pointed out that one can not just buy a ticket to Vrndavana. Vrndavana will be revealed by the mercy of Krsna. We have visited that place in North India, south of Delhi, yet the question may be asked, have we actually been in Vrndavana and still we will never forget.
"Seeing that the time has come to milk the cows, Krsna and the gopas bring the cows to the barns made of jewels, barns surrounded by lotus flowers and kalpa-vrksa trees." from Gopal Campu 1.74, by Srila Jiva Gosvami
"When Krsna does not play His flute, the Yamuna flows with waters like melted sapphires. When Krsna does play His flute, the Yamuna, stunned in ecstasy, becomes like the land paved with sapphires. In these ways, as either water or land the Yamuna serves Lord Krsna." Gopal Campu 1.80, Srila Jiva Gosvami
4.) In his commentary on the first chapter of the 10th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, Madhvacarya refers to Mathura as a state of consciousness. It is a fact that if one really wants to enter Vrndavana, than we must realize it internally. Even while physically one may be in Vrndavana (North India), internally one may not have actually entered Vrndavana. To internally enter in to Vrndavana one must enter in to the mood of service. Such devotional service is done under the authority of a superior vaisnava. So to really become Mathura vasa we must develop our internal relationship with Vrndavana by developing our relationship with Krsna, through devotional service.
5.) You can transform your home in to Vrndavana by chanting the holy name and the bhajans of the vaisnava acaryas, by inviting vaisnavas, by hanging transcendental pictures which Prabhupada called windows to the spiritual world. By bringing Srimad Bhagavatama to your house and reading it. You can transform your heart in to Vrndavana by always chanting the Holy name non-stop in a humble state of mind. You can attain Vrndavana by serving Srila Prabhupada who is a pure resident of Vrndavana. You can attain Vrndavana by patiently rendering devotional service in the temple of the Lord. You can attain Vrndavana by the mercy of a bona fide spiritual master.
Dear Vaisnavas,
Please accept my humble obeisances. I pray that I may always be engaged
as the servant of the servants of Lord Krsna. All glories to Srila Prabhupada,
whose home is here in Sri Vrndavana Dhama. It is by his mercy only, which
is available by carefully taking shelter of his instructions at every moment,
that we have the adhikara, the authorization, to come here and even stay.
I have returned to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Krsna Balarama, Radha Syamasundara and Gaura Nitai in Vrndavana. I came to render some service to them.
Again I go every day to Srila Prabhupada's Mangal Arati in His Samadhi. That has been one of my secrets over the years, one of the sources of joy and inspiration in my life.
In Kartika we seek some shelter, some mercy and we go to the Holy Dhama. 'mathura vasa' to reside in the Holy District of Mathura, Vraja, is one of the five aspects of bhakti through which even if only a little, we can very quickly achieve love for Krsna. So it's important to come here. Even though at present my love for Krsna may be rather shallow. Srila Prabhupada made the phrase "Back to Godhead" a motto for all of us and wouldn't it be nice to join Krsna in His eternal pastimes in the spiritual world?
I also need this time here for rejuvenation, to rest up physically and to take time for hearing and chanting. I have done a lot of travel and I have tried to encourage a lot of people in Krsna consciousness. So Kartika is not all about austerity, it's about becoming more absorbed in remembering Krsna. It can be in a gentle way.
I am also in to collecting blessings. Blessings from Giri Govardhana, blessings from the dust of Vrndavana, blessings from all the holy places and the river Yamuna. This year we rented a boat with about a dozen devotees and went from Kesi Ghat, Vrndavana to Visram Ghat, Mathura in about 2 1/2 hours, we sang gentle bhajans, had some Krsna Katha and of course had a picnic. We did a number of parikramas with the same devotees, Kusum Sarovara and Govindakunda and from there we walked on the soft sandy stretch along Govardhana Hill. Later to Varsana, where the Pandas interrupted our talks about Radha Krsna by hitting us up for a donation. But we started kirtana and they sang along and then left after some time. Param Vijayate Sri Krsna Sankirtanam. We had a peaceful time in Prema Sarovara and more Pandas in Nandagrama. In Mahavan Brahmanda Ghat, Gokul and then Raval, Smt. Radharani's birthsite, where the local Sevaits are actually very nice.
Here I eat simple, because it feels better and chant more throughout the day, here in the Dhama one returns to the essentials of life.
We always check out some of the new books that have come out, this year the "Gita Bhusana", the commentary on the Bhagavad Gita from Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana. Some interesting points I noted were;
- yuktahara viharasya yukta cestasya karmasu
"if one has regulated eating regulated recreation, regulated use of organs in bothy material and spiritual activities, regulated sleep and regulated waking, yoga destroys all suffering." (Bg.6.17) Regulated recreation is an interesting addition in the translation. I guess I am just having some here in the Holy Dhama. - om tat sad iti nirdeso
The brahmanas, Vedas and sacrifices were manifested (vihitah) by four-headed Brahma long ago through this Brahman in the form of the three names om tat sat, indicating Visnu. Teherfore these names are very powerful. if these names are used along with sacrifice and otheer acts, these names will compensate for any faults in the performance of the various parts of the sacrifice. By uttering these three sounds, one is assured of getting the results (Bg.17.23 Commentary).
Daivi Sakti brought out a nice book with quotes from Srila Prabhupada about Vrndavana; "Our Vrndavana temple is perhaps our nicest building in the whole movement and I want at least 25 good men here at all times. Because it is Vrndavana those who come should be exemplary so that all the people of Vrndavana, even those who would be prone to criticize, will see that we are actually following the six Goswamis headed by Rupa Gosvami. I want that those who come wheather grhastas or sanyasis, behave on the level of real Gosvamis. Gosvami means controlling the senses and always glorifying Krsna by varieties of engagement in devotional service 24 hours a day."(SP letter 23 March, 1974)
Over the years this letter has had special significance to me because I always wanted to be one of these 25 Gosvamis. Now that I am a traveling preacher and I can not personally stay in Vrndavana for too much time, I want to make it my mission to find 25 such Gosvamis to stay in the Krsna Balarama Mandir to fulfill the desire of Srila Prabhupada. In this way we can bless the entire world.
Written by Amrta Gopal Devi Dasi
The flood water is receding, and that which was drowned beneath the
surface is becoming visible again—a sure sign that soon things will be
“back to normal.” Of course, living in Mayapur Dham is anything but normal,
as I came to understand during the last week.
We don’t know how much we love until we suffer loss, the old adage
says. With my normal life in Mayapur suspended indefinitely—dancing in
mangal-aroti, honoring mid-morning kitchuri at the Free Prasadam stand,
hearing evening Bhagavad-gita discourse—I felt a bit like a stranded castaway
on Antardwip isle.
Fearing that my unruly mind would take the reins and drive me to higher
ground in, say, London or America, I devised an action plan designed for
maximum engagement. Steady service--preparing articles for the Congregational
Development Ministry’s upcoming magazine—was the strong, potent medicine
I needed to keep the spirits from getting soggy. The sound of Ganga’s rushing
current and the absence of sound in the Long Building’s corridor was conducive
to getting things done.
Yet as I worked, I could hear the devotees at play. Mayapur devotees
of all varnas and asramas joyfully splashed, bobbed and surfaced in the
waters. “It all seems so normal now, you know, to wade through chest-high
water, slosh through floating dead bug bodies and be wet all the time,”
I wrote to my friend Sara in Los Angeles three days after the start of
the flood. Perhaps only in Mayapur Dham, I thought, can hardship be taken
with such cheer. Sara’s response confirmed that Mayapur vas brings out
the transcendental nature of the soul: “It is amazing reading the reports
how the devotees are still enthusiastic and see everything as Krishna’s
mercy, even in this difficult time. They just see that Mother Ganga is
taking darsan of the Lord! Amazing how devotees think!” I shared Sara’s
amazement. While I uselessly contemplated on snakes, the skin peeling on
the bottoms of my feet, and the overflowed toilet in the flat where I stay,
the dham vasis were soaking up the mercy and living the essence of Krishna
consciousness: ma succah.
Although I was in no mood to fling open the office windows and dive
in the Ganges, I did feel the urge to get wet and be washed clean of so
many doubts, insecurities and frustrations. This was the mercy Mother Ganga
offered that I sought to access. Shutting down the computer and shutting
my eyes, I prayed to the Holy Dham for help. What does it mean to me to
live in the Dham, I asked myself, if I am not constantly pushing the limits
and finding newer and fresher ways to experience Krishna consciousness?
What is the purpose of dham vas if I’m not falling in love with Lord Caitanya’s
own abode? What business do I have proudly thinking myself to be a Mayapur
resident (and even having an ID card to prove it!) if I wasn’t ready to
give my life and soul to this place? These questions in me, and I lamented
that I was a long way from actually doing Dham vas.
Down, but not out, I approached the sastra to understand my predicament,
and to find a remedy for the heaps of offenses barring me from entrance
into the transcendental Dham. Sri Sri Navadwip Dham Mahatmya is a map by
which a purified explorer may navigate the intimate chambers of the Holy
Dham. Begging Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura to shine the light in the dense
fog of my consciousness, I sought to know the qualification for living
in the dham. Taking shelter of my guru, Srila Jayapataka Swami Maharaja,
who helped build Mayapur Dham with his own blood, sweat and tears, and
praying for the assistance of our gurus who reside here eternally in samadhi,
I identified that dham nista was one of the overwhelming qualifications
for genuine residence. The great personalities who eternally reside in
Navadwip take full shelter of this dham and are not tempted by the comforts,
opulence or charm of any other place. Navadwipbon matra asroy bichari,
Srila Bahktivinode Thakura states. “I have concluded that the forests of
Navadwip are my only shelter.” Reading his statement and countless others,
I remembered how my guru maharaja had once spontaneously revealed his fixed
love for Sri Dham. “I miss you, Guru Maharaja,” I said to him one time
after class. Maharaja closed his eyes and his face took on wonderful dreamy
expression. A few seconds later he murmured, “I miss Mayapur.” He opened
his eyes, grabbed his walking stick and proceeded in a long stride to the
van waiting to take him to the airport.
While it is normal for me, a conditioned soul, to forget, ignore or
even spitefully reject the flood of mercy that is Mayapur Dham, I pray
for that nista, that same determination that characterizes the service
mood of the great Dham vasis. Just as the Mayapur pujaris dutifully, yet
lovingly carry on with their daily routine of worshipping Sri Sri Radha-Madhava;
just as the brahmacari devotees steadfastedly chant, dance and take prasadam;
and just as the permanent residents never step one foot out of the Dham,
let me be fixed my service--in my normal position--as a servant of the
servant of the servant of the exalted Mayapur vasis.
INDIA, October 2, 2006: Deep in the heartland of Uttar Pradesh, in dozens of villages across the state, Dalits (or Untouchables) have stopped depending on Brahmin priests for weddings, funerals and other ceremonies. Instead, they have turned to a Buddhism-inspired book which has rituals that can be performed by any literate person. The wide use of the Bhim Patra, named after Bhimrao Ambedkar, is part of a quiet rebellion against uppercaste domination. Weddings are now being performed before a statue of Ambedkar. The ceremony is inexpensive and takes only a couple of hours. The bride and the groom light candles, take wedding vows and garland each other. The Bhim Patra also has instructions on funerals and other ceremonies. "We are all Hindus; we have not converted," said Mohan Lal Gautam, who sells books at a traffic intersection in Lucknow. "But we have stopped following the old rituals. We follow the Bhim Patra. There is no pandit, no worship of gods and goddesses, no dowry and no auspicious time for any wedding." Priests are feeling the heat. "Dalits have mostly stopped coming to us. They conduct their own ceremonies," said Jagdamba Prasad Bajai, a priest at Deora village, Lucknow.
courtesy of Hinduism Today
Lord Jagannatha’s Transcendental Smile Printed In Newspaper!
In the Wednesday October 4th, 2006 issue of the Ojai Valley News, the big beaming smile of Lord Jagannatha appeared on the back page in full color! This was accomplished by taking advantage of the Halloween season and a 120 lb pumpkin that was grown in the computer controlled 700 Sq. Ft. Raised Bed Vegetable Garden at the American Vedic Association. After growing the behemoth gourd, Adhoksaja Devi Dasi decided to paint it with the beaming smile of Lord Jagannatha instead of the more common haunting expressions like the seasonal Jack-O-Lanterns. When the artwork was done it immediately attracted the attention of the local neighborhood children and that gave her the idea to have her creative expression photographed and sent into the local newspaper.
The editors of the Ojai Valley News recognized the extraordinary nature of the photo and entitled the photo “Great Pumpkin”, although they had no way of knowing just how “Great” a pumpkin with an image of the Lord of the Universe on it really was!
Above Adhoksaja Devi Dasi the artist
Myself and Indra went to a “Cyndi Lauper” concert recently. One of the ticket sellers bought a book from us, she gave us $100! Then Indra realized that the same lady also gave $100 7 years ago for a book and that was on Gaurapurnima. They then remembered each other and she also gave us free concert tickets.
So then we brought her Radha Kalachandji’s garland.
Our seat was right in front of the stage and we also gave Cyndi Lauper a maha Garland.
Cyndi then asked “are you Hare Krsna’s?” “Yes” we said. Cyndi then spoke about Prabhupada and many other things. Everybody at the concert was hearing about Krsna. She spoke many time about Krsna.
She started to sing and after the song she again talked about Krsna. When she was a child, she said, she got prasadam from time to time and wanted to thank the devotees for feeding her. Many many persons at this concert got to hear about Krsna and the devotees in a very positive way!
Your servant,
Gita Govinda devi dasi
Dear Devotees,
Hare Krishna. Please accept my most humble obeisances! Al glories to
Srila Prabhupada and Guru Maharaja!
Dear devotees! I thought I would like to share an important instruction with all of you!
Some 3 years ago while I was in London visiting my Guru Maharaja, H H Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaja, he gave me a very important and helpful instruction that has saved me from a lot of trouble in my devotional life. Me and a godbrother was about to leave London for Denmark, and Maharaja left the lecture, given by H H Jayadvaita Maharaja, in the Manor, which he had especially come to hear, to give us some final instructions and his mercy.
I still remember Maharaja standing there in the Manor lifting his trancendental finger and looking very grave while instructing us to "...never ever get fed up in Krishna Conciousness."
It might seem like a no-brainer (Something that is absurdly simple or easy and requires little thought) - of course we should never get fed up. I was thinking something like that then. But later I realised how valuable this instruction actually is. We might not expect it but some day Krishna will most propably test us. Maybe we will feel that the whole world is falling apart because we don't like our service or because of disagreements with devotees, with our family, with our place of work etc. - so many things can happen that will gradually kill our devotional service if we are not very careful. But if we just sincerely remember that it is our duty to mold our life so that we will never get fed up with Krishna Copnciousness even though we have difficulties with ISKCON, with devotees, with our family or work situation then we stand much stronger when maya comes to attack. Actually we alone are to blame for our presents situation. We can't point fingers and blame other devotees. We have to remember to be more humble than a blade of grass and more tolerant than a tree, no matter what happens. Just like Prahlada Maharaja, he never got fed up even though there was so much opposition from his father.
If Maharaja had'nt warned us like that I most likely would have pushed myself over the limit. I'm eternally grateful for that instruction, because it helps me to remember that I have the sole responsibility to take care of my own spiritual life no matter what happens with me or around me.
A very striking purport from the Srimad Bhagavatam 1.15.50 by His Divine Grace reminds us of this point thus:
"When flying an airplane, one cannot take care of other planes. Everyone has to take care of his own plane, and if there is any danger, no other plane can help another in that condition. Similarly, at the end of life, when one has to go back home, back to Godhead, everyone has to take care of himself without help rendered by another. The help is, however, offered on the ground before flying in space. Similarly, the spiritual master, the father, the mother, the relatives, the husband and others can all render help during one's lifetime, but while crossing the sea one has to take care of himself and utilize the instructions formerly received."
When Lord Brahma was extremely perplexed to go on with his task of creation, he performed austerities and prayed to the Lord for thousand years and finally when the Lord appeared before him, this is what the Lord says in SB 3.9.29,
sri bhagavan uvaca
maa veda-garba gaas tandreem / sarga udyamam aavaha
tan mayaapaaditam hy agre / yan maam praarthayate bhavaan
"The Supreme Personality of Godhead then said: O Brahma, O depth of Vedic wisdom, be neither depressed nor anxious about the execution of creation. What you are begging from Me has already been granted before."
It is very important to remind ourselves time and again that we cannot point to anyone for our lack of sincerity in our devotion nor should we become depressed or fedup with whatever service we might be performing. We should always try to be enthusiastic in our service and consciousness irrespective of whether the world around us is treating us alright or not.
I hope that this instruction from H H Mahavishnu Maharaja will also help you in your struggle towards becoming a pure servant of Krishna.
Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Gurudeva,
Ajita Krishna Dasa
Moderator's Note: H G Ajita Krishna prabhu is a very sincere and dedicated devotee living in Denmark. He is a school teacher by profession and performs his duty very sincerely, at the same time practices his Krishna consciousness with complete dedication. He spends whatever extra time he has apart from his material duty and sadhana in presenting Krishna conscious philosophy on the internet. One unique thing he has done is that he has advertised himself as a meditation-teacher on a Danish youth web-forum and has instructed over 500 persons in chanting Hare Krishna.
Note 2: We are in traveling mode for the next few days and tomorrow
being Saraswathy pooja in India, most of the shops will be closed. We will
try our best to send a mail tomorrow, Krishna willing. If we cannot, we
will send out tomorrow's mail on the following day.
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'The Language of the Colonized Mind'
Many Indians use the term Hindu mythology disconnecting the English word myth from the Sanskrit mitya or false. Idol instead of deity, South Asian instead of Indian etc.
The problem is that many Indians believe that the Vedic histories are myths, that deities are just stone idols only as relevant as the particular tradition or worshiper holds it to be. In other words they feel there is no power in it beyond that invested in it by the believers. South Asian is a PC way to lump ancient India with the recent and invented nations of Pak & Bangladesh. As if calling them Indian is an offense, despite all of these people having been called Indian less than 60 yrs ago.
So when even Hindu activists use the language of the colonizer they disempower their own culture and empower the pseudo-intellectual machinations of those dedicated to the destruction of Hindu civilization.
Even the term Hindu is controversial but I think we need to be practical and accept the term because it has been repeatedly recognized as the term for one of the world's great religions. Iskcon famously says they are not Hindu but is protected by the Hindu identity every time they have been dragged into court as a dangerous new cult etc. They know that by calling it the 'Festival of India' rather than the 'Festival of the Vaishnavas' or 'Vedic Festival' the public will get a clearer idea of what kind of festival it is. Rather than calling it the 'Hare Krsna Festival' its called 'The Festival of India' in order to highlight to the public that it is an ancient and culturally authentic festival.To most people India logically means Hindu since 85% of Indians are legally classified as Hindu.
As long as the Hindu intelligentsia presents its traditions as allegorical mythology why should anyone respect Hinduism?
The term idol, in Semitic culture, originally did not refer to deity worship but rather to the idolization of the self and the demands of the senses. I just read a great study from the Greek Orthodox Church on the worship of icons, saints etc. They clearly point out that idolatry never referred to worship or respect for sacred objects, icons and images. The modern era has given us a clear understanding of what idolatry means. The glamorization of Hollywood/bollywoood stars, pop idols etc. This is what is warned against in the bible.
In todays connotations the term idol is negative and represents a lack of depth. In the Vedic sense all Murtis are just stone/metal idols until the divine being represented is invited and invoked by 'pran pratishtha' to enter into the idol. Once the Divinity has been invoked, it is no longer an idol but has become an actual representative of the Deity.
Just as a Nation's flag is empowered to represent the nation and one can honor and dishonor a whole nation by flag desecration, deities represent the Gods. The difference is that the flag is only invested with the emotions of the citizens but the invoked deities are actual channels to the divinity represented.
So when Hindus call deities idols they are dishonoring & dismissing the sacred Vedic invocations that were used to change the idol into a Murti or worshipabale deity that actually acts as a conduit of the devotee's prayer and devotion.
Another interesting point to consider is that even the most fanatic iconoclast would find it difficult to spit on a picture of their family or loved ones. It should not matter to them right ? its just a piece of paper with ink on it. Yet it is cherished. This crude example gives us a hint into the psychology and power of sacred objects and deities.
Namaste. Jaya Sri Hanuman!!!
Vrndavan Parker
Vedic World Heritage links:
See our pages supporting these views HERE: (Vedik World
Western Indologists been exposed page:
How British Misguided the World on Vedic History
I recently learned a lesson the hard way - painfully. My lower back pain became severe sciatica; I could barely walk. I tried everything: more rest, exercise, stretching, diet, herbs, adjustments, etc. The problem turned out to be: dehydration! Yes, a bulging disc caused by simply not drinking enough water.
If the muscles don't get enough water, lactic acid collects so they become stiff and sore and pull bones out of place, such as vertebrae causing the disc to bulge and irritate the sciatic nerve. It's very unpleasant. The big surprise is that dehydration can be chronic and it takes at least a month, more often two or three, to get rehydrated.
And if you are dehydrated you cannot really expect to be healthy. Since the body is mostly water, it just doesn't work right without adequate water. Immediately you have excess Vata (dryness) and Pitta (heat), but most seriously impurities collect in the body, causing all kinds of problems.
Over 90% of illnesses can be related to dehydration. Joints and muscles,
digestion, skin, energy, allergies, weight control, mental and emotional
problems, insomnia and blood disorders are just a few areas quickly affected
by water intake. Ask those who have been on the Water Diet; they feel great.
I now regard water as a holistic health elixir. Information on Dr. B's
original Water Cure
Consider these water facts, thanks to The Raj Spa/Hotel:
Our daily water intake should be half our body weight in ounces. (128
pounds = 64 ounces per day, a half gallon)
Not drinking enough water is as harmful to your heart as smoking.
A 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble
with basic math and difficulty focusing.
A 5% reduction in body water results in a 20 to 30% decline in work
Adequate hydration can reduce risk of colon cancer by 45%, risk of
breast cancer by 79%, risk of bladder cancer by 50%, and can ease back
pain and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.
Even mild dehydration will slow one's metabolism as much as 3%.
Lack of water is the number one trigger for daytime fatigue.
One glass of water shuts down midnight hunger pangs for most dieters.
The thirst mechanism of 37% of Americans is so weak it is often mistaken
for hunger.
Distilled and reverse osmosis water, being devoid of minerals, are not so healthy, but easily remedied by adding one pinch per half gallon of mineral salt, which is pinkish in color. It's inexpensively available in bulk, or as the RealSalt brand. Mineral water is best.
Measure actual water, not milk or juice, etc., which have to be digested. The Vedic herbal water recipes may be an exception. If in doubt drink more. Safety first. If you are exercising, sweating, fatigued, stressed or ill, drink more. That half your weight number is a minimum maintenance amount. Thanks to myotherapist Michael Fleischman for relaying knowledge from Vaidja Dr. Raju , Vedic doctor who emphasizes the importance of water.
I hope this is a helpful and significant health tip for you. - David Haworth
In the world there is nothing more submissive and weak than water. Yet for attacking that which is hard and strong nothing can surpass it. - Lao-Tzu BC 600-?, Chinese Philosopher, Founder of Taoism, Author of the 'Tao Te Ching'
JTCd's note: "O son of Kunti, Arjuna, I am the taste of water, the light of the sun and moon, the syllable om in the Vedic mantras. I am the sound in ether and ability in man." Bhagavad Gita 7:8., As It Is by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
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In the Puranas there is a story of one old man who was addicted to sinful activity, a very cruel person. But when he was on his death bed, at the last minute he had a change of heart. He said, "Well, why not try it? All my life I've seen these Vaishnavas chanting Hare Krsna. I'm going to die anyway, so I might as well try it." He called his servant and told him "Go to the marketplace and purchase some of those beads I see the devotees chanting on, those japa malas." His servant was surprised. "You want japa-mala? What are you going to do with them?" "I'm going to chant Hare Krsna. Give it a try." So the servant went to the marketplace, but unfortunately the old man died before his servant returned. So at that time the Yama-dutas came, and the Vishnu-dutas also came at the same time. Both questioned the other's presence. The Yama-dutas said, "This man was a very sinful person. He never did one pious activity. There is nothing in his record to show that he did anything pious or transcendental. So what are you doing here?" The Vishnu-dutas replied, "We have come to take this man back to Godhead simply because he had a desire to chant Hare Krsna.
MORAL: If nama-abhasa, contaminated chanting of the holy name is so powerful then what of those devotees who are chanting the pure name?
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