Florida Vedic College - Florida Vedic College is an accredited member of the American Federation of Vedic Colleges
        and Schools (AFVCS). This is the only Hindu accreditation society in the USA. We are currently accreditated by the
        National Private Schools Accreditation Alliance (NPSAA). Accreditation for our Ayurveda Programs - are currently
        accredited by the International Council for Ayurveda & Allied Medical Sciences (ICAAMS) Bangalore, India and
        American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) (USA). Our graduates are eligible for Board Certification
        through the AADP in the USA and abroad. Florida Vedic College is authorized to operate by the Florida State Board
        of Independent Colleges and Universities. Florida Vedic College is the first college to offer Masters and Doctorate
        Degrees in Dhanvantari Ayurveda in the USA.

Ordinarily FVC is found on its site at:


Due to work-load Pt. Jaya Tirtha Charan dasa is no longer associated with with FVC having moved to the Bhaktivedanta Vedic College out of the University of North Carolina - see HERE, but has now taken a sabatical focusing on his service as a Purohit and webmaster for HKNetworks